3 phase with POD. wire-up.

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Dec 28, 2009
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Received my Wassell 3 phase Stator and Podtronics 240 w.Rect-Reg. unit today. Instructions say for Triumph wiring codes and Norton will differ. So what colors to hook to ? No ground needed it says too for unit.. (72 Combat at present but they will eventually be part of my MK111 proj. ) Thanks.
Presumably, this 3-phase Podtronics has three yellow wires, a red and a black?

If so, then, connect any stator wire to any Pod. yellow. Red to bat. positive and black to bat. negative.


3 phase with POD. wire-up.
That's the schematic they sent me. Looking at the unit I see the wires come out in a different order from the finned box.. Black is on the left ,the 3 yellow center wires are central and the final right one is the red. Are there best hookups for the 3 yellows and to which stock Norton Wiring harness colorations ? Thanks.
Torontonian said:
Looking at the unit I see the wires come out in a different order from the finned box.. Black is on the left ,the 3 yellow center wires are central and the final right one is the red.

Just go by the colours.

Torontonian said:
Are there best hookups for the 3 yellows

No, (as all three stator output wires are AC).

Torontonian said:
and to which stock Norton Wiring harness colorations ?

Pod. red is positive, so for a standard positive earth/ground Commando, connect the Pod. red to the positive side of the electrical system (red wiring) or connect Pod. red directly to the battery positive terminal.

Pod. black is negative, so for a '71-on Commando, "battery negative" is brown/blue.
Thank you for the clarifications. They could have provided better schematic for Norton also /instead of Triumph.

If you wire it up without using any part of your stock wiring harness and you still have a assimilator on your bike you will need to tap off of one of the yellow leads and connect that to your assimilator ALT terminal.

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