1973 Commando Herringbone Oil oil supply & return lines

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I bought some of the cloth covered hose from Old Britts and developed a leak at one of the oil filter junctions. The short story is that the hose had become brittle; I cut it back and went on my way; 6 months later the other OF connection did the same thing, no surprises, but did make me feel like a luckless dice roller.

I use the Gates automatic transmission hose now; it won't win at Pebble Beach, but it is good for 300 PSI, made for heat and oil and can be oriented so that the Gates nomenclature has minimal exposure.

The OE herringbone did become available about 4 years back, maybe 5, not sure of the time frame, but easily remember the $45/foot price...

There was a recent post by a member that employed a hose normally found on aircraft, eye catching installation, gorgeous fittings. Do some digging on this site and you'll find the post with pictures.

Looks good. Can you use something to remove the writing?
I didn't. Can you see it?
1973 Commando Herringbone Oil oil supply & return lines
I used brake cleaner on a rag or maybe carb cleaner, I can't remember which. Probably too many years of breathing their essence.

Probably carb' cleaner. I found out by accident that it removes paint! Brake cleaner is kinder to paint.

I bought some of the cloth covered hose from Old Britts and developed a leak at one of the oil filter junctions. The short story is that the hose had become brittle; I cut it back and went on my way; 6 months later the other OF connection did the same thing, no surprises, but did make me feel like a luckless dice roller.


Probably due to temperature rating of the hose not being adequate. I have noticed the same. Requires periodic tightening of the clamps, a common sign of heat deterioration. A while back, I had asked Old Britts for specs of this hose but did not get an answer.
1973 Commando Herringbone oil supply & return lines. Any chance of finding a good replacement?
In Southern Calif. there’s a hydraulic hose supplier...will make a new line with your original connectors...or you can buy the hose...car restorers use their business...I replaced my 74 ..850 hoses with theirs..HOSEMAN...Irwindale ..Calif.
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