EV drawbacks

NET ZERO - Mini electric car manufacturing to relocating China.

Where vast quantities of energy will be used from coal & diesel, to increase corporate profits. Then shipped back to the UK. ignoring the carbon footprint & called ‘green’

you’re saving the planet though 🤡


  • EV drawbacks
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Speaking of energy...go to 2:00.05

Clip from Dr Greer’s groundbreaking National Press Club Event.

Eric Hecker on South Pole Station, DOMS and off-world vehicles.

Full press event:

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Here we go… and the spin in Texas by some is “if we didn’t have all of this solar and wind, the lights would be out”. No...If there were more continous duty, modern day assets running, this wouldn’t be an issue. Bush/Rove/Perry policy fingerprints.

Can't help but wonder if Greta is fuming that we didn't all get burnt up in a ball of flames yesterday!!
They are trying to come through my area in Illinios. No one that I’ve talked to wants it here. Talk of eminent domain is being discussed quietly at the moment. Screw them bastards!

With your governor Pritzker running the show eminent domain is the end game....that is if he isn't in jail by then.
4 out of the last 7 Ill. governors jailed is a pretty convincing indicator.
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They are trying to come through my area in Illinios. No one that I’ve talked to wants it here. Talk of eminent domain is being discussed quietly at the moment. Screw them bastards!
This looks similar to what stopped the oil pipeline a few years ago. Same arguments.
Which country relies on ferries due to its numerous Fjords.

Which country has the largest % of EV's.

Which country has had EV's banned from a Ferry route.

The Norwegian shipping company Havila Kystruten will no longer allow electric cars on board its ships, according to Norwegian Television NRK. The consequences of an electric car fire are considered too severe, states the company.
Continued and point of earlier post from the state of Texas Tea..
Without the missing ingredient the EV REVOLUTION is screwed ⛽
Texans Were Warned Over a Year Ago These Blackouts Would Happen with a Vengeance...Unacceptable in One of America’s Greatest States …

Record-breaking Texas heatwave enters third week as thousands lose power - The Guardian,https://apple.news/AjLxoNjujRWCtqoTUKv8hXw
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Good on him

The Tearful Executive Who Tapped the Brakes on Electric Cars at Toyota

All those automotive OEMs who have committed to dates when they go FULL electric WILL back down.

It is absolutely unavoidable.

There are simply way too many, very large, areas of the globe in which EVs are simply not practical, or even possible, within the target timeframes.

So, OEMs will have to decide between abandoning these markets entirely, or backing down.

Or, a third option (which I predict) is that these company’s will establish new ‘brands’ to make ICE and hybrids whilst still claiming their main ‘brands’ to be purely EV.

In other words, history will prove Akio to have been correct.
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All those automotive OEMs who have committed to dates when they go FULL electric WILL back down.

It is absolutely unavoidable.

There are simply way too many, very large, areas of the globe in which EVs are simply not practical, or even possible.

So, OEMs will have to decide between abandoning these markets entirely, or backing down.

Or, a third option (which I predict) is that these company’s will establish new ‘brands’ to make ICE and hybrids whilst still claiming their main brands to be purely EV.

In other words, history will prove Akio to have been correct.
Those OEM's are sucking a firehose size stream of sweet Mother's milk (💰💰💰💰💰) government grants & subsidies.
THAT is what's driving this silly sheet. Turn off that valve & there would be a firesale, pennies on the dollar for the remaining toy cars.
Those OEM's are sucking a firehose size stream of sweet Mother's milk (💰💰💰💰💰) government grants & subsidies.
THAT is what's driving this silly sheet. Turn off that valve & there would be a firesale, pennies on the dollar for the remaining toy cars.
The amount of taxpayer money being channeled to EV manufacturers and the EV industry as "incentive" is abhorrent.
Political manipulation/opportunism is disguised as environmental policy/progress...all promoted by the MSM. The real end game is to maintain power in office while developing even more income potential for themselves.
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All just a bunch of self interest and financial backhanders / cronyism

Nothing is ever new in this world just a new shade / tint of the evergreen colour of “ graft “
The amount of taxpayer money being channeled to EV manufacturers and the EV industry as "incentive" is abhorrent.
Political manipulation/opportunism is disguised as environmental policy/progress...all promote by the MSM. The real end game is to maintain power in office while developing even more income potential for themselves.
Well said.