More on online sites.
I tend to think that the site has a good listing as well for parts. The INOAC also doesn't list from New Zealand. They appear to stock just about everything for a Mark3. Well, all price listed anyway.
I'm actually very pleased that so much appears to be available online. I was initially afraid that I was going to have a lot of trouble since I have 3 Mk3 Commandos. Buying locally is ok but it's from a small base of original bikes so not much comes up on ebay compared to the US or UK. Buying ebay stuff from US and mailing to Oz costs a bit too much sometimes. It might be equally as cost effective to just buy new parts online from wherever. I've yet to get to the nitty gritty of buying my stock.
To help me organise myself I'm scanning the Spare Parts Catalogue and am creating a Excel spreadsheet of ALL parts used in a Mk3. Matched with Plate/Ref references and price lists from and (URL link to their price). It will help me budget for new costs and perhaps give me a total of what I will have spent(Might be scary).
I also have all 35 Plates scanned as pdfs/tifs. Ideally a digital pix of each part would be great but that might be too much work. (~1300 parts in all make up a Commando Mk3).
Initially it will be just in Excel but if it proves to be worthwhile then I'll convert it to Access which allows a lot more database freedom. First things first. If it becomes useful I'll post my findings .
Hello all,
I've recently got all enthused again after not riding my Commandos for a few years. Yes, shame on me.
Like another person in another post I crashed my bike 22 years ago and bought a s/h Mk2 frame as a stop gap measure. About 10-15 years ago I bought a complete brand new exhaust sustem and as well as a new frame 21 years ago. These will form the basis for a rebuild/restoration on my original bike.
I own 3 Mk3 commandos. First bought brand new in Jan 1977 (A$2400) and 2 more bought later. One of which I rode regularly until it had a severe breaking of teeth in the timing chain department. Still haven't looked at it. The other was a wreck imported from the US (A$3000) in early 90s. It just needs running gear added on, motor is good. The yank bike hadn't done many kms I reckon. My original stopped about 18 years ago because of engine failure.
Anyway, time has come, finally, to get them all going before I croak and can't enjoy them. Seeing 3 bikes in bits hasn't been a nice feeling.
I also have a 1956 ES2 which has recently been rebuilt/restored and it is a charmer, lovely to ride.
Given time I might put up a few pix on my website. My Yamaha XJ900(1986) gets me around on weekends.
This is my first post. Anyway, hello all.
I hope that this forum will benefit me and perhaps I can help someone else. I'm a Printed Circuit Board designer by career, electronics and hifi are my other hobbies.
BTW, my ebay username is "850mk3", not bad eh?