What bike is this 'Norton' logo from?

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Oct 2, 2013
Hi All: When I bought my '74 'Commando' in September, I received with it this cast aluminum 'Norton' plate. It is clearly from a motorcycle, but looks to me to be older than my vintage. The back side has two bolts and what appears to be the remnants of fiberglass--as if the logo was pried off something. The whole thing is quite curved--which the photos hopefully show, but I'm not entirely sure whether that curvature is damage or it was cast that way. I think the latter, considering the ribs on the back side. Can anyone tell me what it's from? .....here's hoping it is something special!
What bike is this 'Norton' logo from?
What bike is this 'Norton' logo from?
You're right! So it is! I suspect the previous owner set out to make himself a belt buckle. Here I was hoping that it was from the engine of an original limited production factory racing Manx, or something.
Looks more like its been cast especially for a belt buckle.
And patterned on a timing cover.
The Commando was the only Norton with a big logo like that.

If it was a timing cover, you'd expect to see the fixings for the half time pinion gear shaft.
Or where they'd been ground off (on the back).
Instead, its just sand-casting marks...
Well....finish it! There are guys on this forum who could TIG weld a hook and loop and make a buckle anyone on this forum would envy. Ask for quotes....
I wonder if that was left over from making a timing cover tool to adjust the chain? I hadn't thought of that, could be done. Cool.

You could weld a loop to the back of it and wear it like the skull ring The Phantom had. When you socked someone they'd become an advertisement for Norton. -Really great publicity !
bwolfe is right. If it was from a homemade intermediate shaft support tool it wouldn't have the boss on the back side. You can see it from the back here:

What bike is this 'Norton' logo from?

front side:

What bike is this 'Norton' logo from?

Definitely looks like a belt buckle to me, too bad it doesn't say "long stroker" underneath the logo. I mean if you're going to brag you might as well advertise too.

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