Unusual Vincent Model


Dec 26, 2013
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Attending a local moto get together this morning here in MN came across an unusual model of Vincent. I thought this was really cool – especially the name plate with fuel/oil mixing ratio instructions. I suspect with a 16:1 fuel:oil ratio with Castrol two-stroke oil that it would be a dual-purpose machine where it could both cut grass and simply be parked and left running to fog for mosquitoes. Of course you could always step up to Castrol XL and employ the 50% leaner fuel/oil blend. Anyway, quite a machine, and thought someone here might enjoy it too.

Unusual Vincent ModelUnusual Vincent ModelUnusual Vincent ModelUnusual Vincent ModelUnusual Vincent Model
Looks like a stout machine! Vincent tried a number of products to save itself. The Amanda water scooter held some promise as an early personal watercraft--imagine if they had created the first "Jet ski"!!! I think it was in Phil Vincent's autobiography where he stated the supplier of the fiberglass bodies for the Amanda used an inferior resin/catalyst during production; it led to the fiberglass shell softening during warm weather and collapsing under the weight of the rider.
Looks like a stout machine! Vincent tried a number of products to save itself. The Amanda water scooter held some promise as an early personal watercraft--imagine if they had created the first "Jet ski"!!! I think it was in Phil Vincent's autobiography where he stated the supplier of the fiberglass bodies for the Amanda used an inferior resin/catalyst during production; it led to the fiberglass shell softening during warm weather and collapsing under the weight of the rider.
oh, not that sinking feeling again!