Well a little bit of progress as I was getting bored, again. I decided I’d simply remove the black caps and slot the secondhand peashooters from the garage to figure out what’s needed and what they sound like. It’s a bit of a Sunday-bodge of the fixings, but as the stock silencers slide on a looooong way there‘s almost enough front pipe to play with. A couple of spacers and nuts and bolts and they’re fitted. Not correctly as ideally they need a slight kink to the front pipe to silencer but as LPW want nigh on £100 delivered for a pair I may decide not to bother.
Fired up and settled to a cold tickover for me to video, and they sound lovely. Being silenced peashooters off the Commando they are not loud, but very pleasant - I think I may keep them on.
OK - I will!
just a quick vid, and I need to go and clean them now they’re filthy. Enjoy