I'm looking for a set of 15mm x 40mm x 12mm deep grove stainless steel bearings for another project. Does someone have a link that they would share?
McMaster has Stainless 6203s and these bushings- they'll have considerably more load capacity as a sleeve than as a bushing. I only see them in plastic, but a concerted search may turn up similar in non-corrosive metal.
It depends on what you are doing (project purpose) There are 6203/15 listed on Amazon (15/40/12) but are a conventional bearing (Not S/S)
As Pressureangle posted a 6203 in stainless is no problem but the bore would need reducing to 15 mm ID to get the needed 15/40/12.
Two 1 mm wall half thickness (7.5 mm) top hat inserts could be machined and pressed in from each side as an option.
In Australia I would simply phone a large bearing shop and ask them what was available be it stainless or otherwise in the needed size. (Ask and offer to phone back the next day over trying to get an answer in the moment)
It's about wheel bearings. I found the same 15/40/12's you mentioned listed on Amazon. Unfortunately, they won't work.
Yesteryear someone turned down the original axle from 17 to 15mm.
Time to hit the lathe.
Thanks for the input!
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