Sleeving Mastercylinder

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Jul 3, 2009
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Can somebody tell me where i can get- what is required to sleeve the mastercylinder for a better front brake.
Thanks Al
possm said:
Can somebody tell me where i can get- what is required to sleeve the mastercylinder for a better front brake.
Thanks Al

Are you set on sourcing locally, as in "your part of the world"?
no as only one dealer that i can find is offering this service, ie take it off and send it to him all sequite squirell, i would prefer to source the parts and take it to my engineer who i trust.
possm said:
Can somebody tell me where i can get- what is required to sleeve the mastercylinder for a better front brake.
Thanks Al

= RGM Motors:


They used to supply the correct size tapping drill and tap (if required) with the kit for a refundable deposit, I don't know if they still do this?
I know that Old Britts supplies the service. I was disappointed when I talked to them that the returned master cylinder would not be owner servicable after the sleeving. Does anybody know if this is true with other services? I realize it will probably last 20-years but there is something about not being able to work on it myself (I mean it is a Norton after all) that really bothers me.
Have you rebuilt your MC, caliper and added a ss breakline? The reason I ask this is, although a modified stock MC is an improvement, it is not a big improvement and it is curtainly nothing like a full blown brake system upgrade. The three things mentioned, if fresh are fairly adaquate. I have sent a message to RGM and asked them if this upgrade kit they sell is servicable and if the sell they service kit. Waiting for an answer. It seems to me that if they sell a doit yourself kit, the most you would have to buy is another kit and just replace the guts. 81.83 NZD
daveparry said:
it is not a big improvement
Oh yes it is!!
OK! Opinions vary.
I assume you have done this? Are you able to service your MC? Did you do it yourself or did you send it out. Any info you could offer would be great?
Hi pvisseriii,
Yes I did mine myself about 8 years ago with the kit from RGM, it was a bit fiddly, the kit did come with full instructions, it was necessary to Araldite (a type of Epoxy resin glue, don't know if you have that over there, probably something similar though) the sleeve in place,also there was a tiny by-pass hole that I had to drill. It was a great improvement. I had already put a Grimeca caliper on and fitted the braided fluid lines without a great deal of difference, sleeving the m/cyl gave an instant improvement, should have done it the other way around,
Does anyone know anything about the Grimeca master cylinders the British bike connection sells? I'm interested because it is shorter and with clippons it would give better lever position. They also have a adapter to use the stock switches and that makes it easier to use. My stock MC is sleeved & works OK so I don't want to go back to one that is worse.
so I don't want to go back to one that is worse.
Depends on the bore size doesn't it, I believe the original Lockheed one was 5/8 in, sleeving brings it down to 13mm, I have heard that 12mm is even better if one of this sise can be obtained,
daveparry said:
Hi pvisseriii,
Yes I did mine myself about 8 years ago with the kit from RGM, it was a bit fiddly, the kit did come with full instructions, it was necessary to Araldite (a type of Epoxy resin glue, don't know if you have that over there, probably something similar though) the sleeve in place,also there was a tiny by-pass hole that I had to drill. It was a great improvement. I had already put a Grimeca caliper on and fitted the braided fluid lines without a great deal of difference, sleeving the m/cyl gave an instant improvement, should have done it the other way around,
Is it servicable. Does RGM sell seal kits for these?
They definitely did at one time, not sure if they still do, it was quite a long time ago. The only thing I would mention is that I find it's a bugger to bleed, that's how I know they did do repair kits, I replaced the seals once as I was having so much trouble bleeding. I eventually pushed some fluid back the other way with a syringe and it worked straight away,
This gentlemen used a seal kit from a Kawasaki EZ500 -
broken link removed

Reads like he did most of the work himself, but I'm thinking "kit" for this one. The brake system is the one place I prolly don't want to learn from my mistakes...
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Thanks guys thats what i have been looking for, Due to a crash some years ago i do not have great strength in my right hand/ wrist so evan though i have rebuilt both mastercylinder and caliper i struggle with it.
Thanks Al
pvisseriii said:
daveparry said:
Hi pvisseriii,
Yes I did mine myself about 8 years ago with the kit from RGM, it was a bit fiddly, the kit did come with full instructions, it was necessary to Araldite (a type of Epoxy resin glue, don't know if you have that over there, probably something similar though) the sleeve in place,also there was a tiny by-pass hole that I had to drill. It was a great improvement. I had already put a Grimeca caliper on and fitted the braided fluid lines without a great deal of difference, sleeving the m/cyl gave an instant improvement, should have done it the other way around,
Is it servicable. Does RGM sell seal kits for these?
Here is a responce I received from Roger at RGM Motors.

"Hello Peter, yes we do, the boot and clip are standard Norton, the pusher is ours but unlikely to ever need replacing, we can suppply the piston assembly with spring and seals at approx £9.00, or a seal kit at approx £6.00 and also new sleeves if required, best regards, Roger
possm said:
Thanks guys thats what i have been looking for, Due to a crash some years ago i do not have great strength in my right hand/ wrist so evan though i have rebuilt both mastercylinder and caliper i struggle with it.
Thanks Al


None better with "our" brakes.
I used the RGM sleeve kit and it has transformed the braking. I have an RGM 12 inch disc and Lockheed caliper but with the original master cylinder it was awful — wooden and needing two hands to stop the bike. With the re-sleeve bringing it down to 13 mm bore, I rate it better than some comparable double disc set-ups. Loads of feel and much less lever effort. The only limits to the braking with this setup are the suspension and tyre adhesion. It has the added advantage of looking original.
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