Old Britts E-Start update

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Apr 15, 2009
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Old Britts E-Start update


Looks like a little traction on this project.

Still under $3k (only £1800). 5 left, better jump on it.

Development takes a long time.
That does look like a clever system. You have to love it because for that price you can buy a used Blackbird.
Cookie said:
You have to love it because for that price you can buy a used Blackbird.

Or several vintage Suzukis. :D

I'm sure it works very well, but the price makes steel Interstate tanks seem like a bargain! :shock:

still kicking
makes me glad I live on a hill... when I get over the hill, I can just bump start.
Jeandr said:
QPD ( http://www.quietpowerdrive.com/QPDhtm/E ... ersion.htm ) still sells theirs, a bit cheaper at $2,800 and includes a belt drive primary. They also have a belt drive conversion for Nortons.


The Old Britts one includes the belt too.

Starter Motor (38-600101), $310.00.
Starter Bracket (38-600201), $432.19.
Belt Drive and Ring Gear (11-800022/S), $1,158.09.
Engine/Gearbox Cradle (06-5140/S), $420.00.
Primary Cover (38-600202), $95.00.
Belt Tensioner (38-600203), $85.82.
Modify Customers Primary Cases (38-600204), $200.00.
MK3 Battery Tray (06-6268), $120.58.
Fastener Kit (38-600205), $71.73.
The Old Britt's one is the QPD unit that has been reworked. For one thing if you look at the splines on the inside of the clutch hub on the QPD model they are pretty hokey (not enough and they are round). Old Britts looks much better. There are many other improvements too.
RennieK said:
The Old Britt's one is the QPD unit that has been reworked. For one thing if you look at the splines on the inside of the clutch hub on the QPD model they are pretty hokey (not enough and they are round). Old Britts looks much better. There are many other improvements too.

:?: "splines inside the clutch hub" :?: The single biggest improvement by Old Brits is the built-in outrigger bearing, for $200 more, well worth it. Old Brits have the new upward rounding calculator, add up all the items and you get $2893.41 and their price is $3000... what's a few dollars when it's for a good cause :wink:

I was referring to the gear teeth on the outside of the clutch plates and the corresponding splines inside the clutch basket.

QPD uses proprietary clutch plates with a round spline and only a dozen or so teeth to engage which are 1/2 circle or crescent shaped.

Old Britts E-Start update

Old Britts likely uses the stock Norton clutch plates with flat surface teeth. They should last longer.

Old Britts E-Start update

It's a big chunk of change no doubt. Steve maney outrigger = $155.00USD
RGM Belt drive with chain tensioner is around .................$430.00 USD so these components average around $600.00. (correct me if I've missed something)
The rest is for the starter and fitment which is a lot of engineering and labor plus hard costs. = $2000.00ish. Ouch!
In the price breakdown the "Belt Drive and Ring Gear (11-800022/S), $1,158.09." is a huge part of the cost, hmm. there must be a way to shave that down.

Wasn't Jim Comstock working on a starter to run off the timing gears from behind the engine (Magneto/distributor position)?

This Old Britts set up looks really nice and solid though so if you've got the dough there's a lot of worse things you could do with it.
worth every penny when the bas....rd thing stalls in traffic and you can't get it started again for love or money .....!!!!!!!
Think I'll wait for the starter using the steel timing gears, primary stays untouched, more accurate timing and you get a magneto too ;).
My CNW 1975 Norton 850 M111 does
so does my CNW caf'e Racer
and my 961 ltd edt Norton .
No electric foot was just one of the reasons of the Death of the
British Motorcycle industry the other reason was we built crap
I know I bought them one of them a new commando traded it
before it blew up for a Honda four 750 .
After all I don't kick start the caddy to get to work ?
LOL LOL But didn't cars have cranks at one time? Just kidding about the starter thing, Most people are shocked to see me start the 72. They ask why don't you just use the starter? They are surprised to hear that there is no electric starter on this bike, That makes me feel old sometimes. But the way this bike fires on the first kick its kinda fun to kick it. Although I can imagine that wouldn't be the case if it was a hard starter. Someday I might need one though so I should just shut up I guess. Chuck. :lol:
Just having seen where you live I would swap all my estarts
for the sun and lifestle, the UK is quite frankly a shithole plus a
bad climate, you wait all year for the summer and with out
fail it's a f....ing wash out
ludwig said:
Richard Barks said:
.. the UK is quite frankly a shithole plus a
bad climate, you wait all year for the summer and with out
fail it's a f....ing wash out
Not even mentioning they all drive on the wrong side of the road !
No you drive on the wrong side of the road ........
Come on guys lets be nice, At the present time we are having flooding here and these idiots here can't drive when it's dry let alone when it's wet. But it is pretty nice most of the time. But there are a lot of bad things too, I won't get into that though.
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