Oil pump excess sump cappacity?

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Oct 19, 2005
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I want to melt tires not pistons so still chewing on simple piston oil jets on Peel.
Basic data point is Norton pump said to pump out13 gal/hour and suck up 26 g/h.
Takes a lot of oil to actually cool pistons to mater.

So far I've gleaned - ain't no way factory pump can supply enough oil, but an accessory oil pump could. If acc. pump could spray out say 10 g/h on pistons,
could the oil pump suck that out plus engine supply oil too?
If you fear too hot pistons more than too hot head you could use the head feed as an oil source for jets and lube the head à la Altas - via the return line but make sure you reduce the amount of oil coming into head - otherwise you wetsump the engine.
Or you remachine your oilpump for more capacity - been there, done that. Watch out for at least 10% more capacity of the returnpump - otherwise it will never pump the cases empty.
Mutterings in technical artical in the 70s spok thus " The Crank at Max Speed in the I.O.M. Centrafuges the oil out as fast as the pump can feed it in ,

this results in a reading of ' zero ' p.s.i. at the pressure guage . :? Nevertheless the pressure at the Big Ends , due to the Centrafugal force on the oil , is 80 P.S.I. "

Oh Dear . Young Livingstone fitted a morris eight ! :shock: oil pump by bevel gear to pre unit Triump 750 ridgid . Gas welded cover mods .

It would be intresting to hear Racer's opinions as to Such Museings , That pumps weenie compared to a 1600 Ford pump, tho not pressure feeding Main Bearings .
Idealy it should read 80 P.S.I. at redline in the Sahara , after a few hours use . :D This is why most endurance Racers have LARGE Oil Tanks . Surplous Capacity .

Worthy of Consideration is that the pump is the Dominator Pump , at 200 % speed . 6 start thread Vs 3 worm .Those 5 point epitrochoidal pumps seldom baulk .
Though any coustom unit is a Tool Room Special , butchering existant reliable items to suit is amenable . The " OIL COOLING " is ALSO conducting away heat
from the upper regions of the Engine . SUPPLIED ( hopefully in view of aforsaid diatribe- '0' p.s.i. !? ) under pressure feed , via the rocker feed lines .

Substantialy uprateing the suppy VOLUME may require Valve Guide Seals .
In Auto speak , there are ' High Volume ' and also ' high pressure ' designations in regard to Oil Pumps . Note ; there is a differance .

Further inanities were the 1950 Velocette 350 Flat Twin had 5 major flaws , the series two had 2 or 3 of them eliminated , Not ALL .
Also the GSX 1100 was the first production motorcycle with ' oil cooled ' top end , according to Suzuki .
Triumph Valve Gear lube is Via ' return ; pump ; its ' pre-heated ' , probly why they need top end overhauls more frequently ( quoted 25.000 miles )
I consider a feed as per Commando would increase there Power Output Via Cooling , and extend service life .

So the pre requiste is to fed ' sufficent ' oil of correct temperature to the varied and miscellaneous components .
PRESSURE is to the TOP END ( cooling and lube ) and Big Ends ( ditto) rest is by the Historic ' splash ' principle ' :!:

Return is relevant to level in Sump , N.O.C. advocate shortening pick up to improve splash & provide resivior @ start up .
Im pretty sure the higer pipe end position was utilized on the Mk IIIs ? ?

S # oil rateings , higher the letter @ # the TOUGHER the oil is . The viscosity is nigh irrelevant there .
Castrol CRI was mono grade petrol diesel Turbo oil , once . Extreme pressure and Temperature , but non detergant .
Or , in Pain english !? need mono body pump , Return Gear wider than feed if both the same form . 30 % wider Should be Plenty .

if the oil ways are flowed thereabouts .i.e. if theres a sharp 90 deg.unradiused corner adjacent , it could slow that feed .
Is quite common in uprated engines for RACEING to overbore Oilways to supply increased Flow .

A ' sharp Corner ' can induce iregularities.
On the Aussie Chrysler " 265 " series ( 215 , 245 and 265 Cu. in ) the lifter closest to the pump will wear premature to the rest .
Fix. is Radius oilway there . The stuff goes past to fast !. Looking up " E 49 R/T " will show you the fastest production 6 cyl made
Triple 45 DCOE webers Standard .Ive a letter from the Bloke who cleaned up in N.Z. in one stateing ' a slight modification to the
Hydraulic Lifters aleveates the problem of wear if 5.000 r.p.m. is exceeded . About 7.000 is fine on them apart from that .
They dont work the same if youre only running 6.000 , and they sound pretty cool to , unmuffled . Handling can be sorted too .Easy .

Same Era as Commando , near enough . these things did about 145 mph, only do the Quater in 14.4 though , and uses a bit more fuel .
1. If Ms Peel only handled as good as elite pilots on elite racers it would be stupid to bother with so much extra heating power as I don't believe Peel could ever out run them in top speeds. So that leaves putting down and hooking up more power than elites can when leaned way over or reaching what ever her top speed may be when mostly upright.

2. I don't have funds nor brains nor time to create a new oil pump and system.
There is not enough pump flow to both keep up with crank sling and cool head and pistons by jets. [There is not enough blood flow in men to run both heads fully at once either] But an extra pump with separate OIF tank feed to it should supply enough jets to matter. I could also plumb in 3rd pump to empty sump but its more money and clutter and mass. Getting the extra oil back to frame is my hang up - easy solved if factory pump could push it out. Oil pump has 1:2 ratio, so if 23 gallons/hr put in sump [13 factory pump + 10 extra pump] - that would be ~10% less than the 26 g/h its ratio implies could be sumped out.

3. Oil cooling is a poor way to cool engine and why its not worked well enough to see more 'oil' cooled models. In Commando's study, oil only gives ~6% of cooling, air conduction and IR radiation the rest of it till metal changes phase to liquid. Oil basically can only remove the heat well in thin area of friction-shear interfaces but not the bulk mass of combustion heated engine.
Peel OIF uses whole frame surface for cooling oil itself and easy to add extra cooler if needed. I do not expect to cool engine by oil, just the piston crowns glowing to aid anti-detonation and sagging from excess combustion PSI.

4. Don't expect Peel to even get oil temp up enough to cook off moisture until held on boost a good bit and may have to insulate spine even then, because not that much heat is transferred to oil. Protecting oil is the main reason to cool it not to cool engine in bulk. For bulk head cooling besides some ducted shields I have water to spray externally if needed. Oil jets and water spray inside and out should only be needed when burning over 150 cfm mixture, 100 hp levels.
Calc's imply Peel can burn rather over 200 cfm, more than doubles factory heat loads.

5. I do want to increase exht side head oil but not much as liter drain slots ain't very big so I'd expect oil to pile up or even hydro lock. A boosted engine don't need no stinking valve stem seals as they never see any higher pressure out side chamber as n/a engines do on intake guides on intake stroke and no engine should see exhaust valve guide suction into chamber as exht valve is sealed on intake and on opening chamber is blasting pressure out not sucking oil inward.
Regular Nortons only need seals on intake for this reason.

6. So can factory pump keep sump mostly empty when 10 g/h extra switched on? Could not run jet pump till rpms enough factory pump could keep up. Should not need jet pump till rpm/boost/heat/loads get beyond AMC gear box.
Oil jets would be intermittent and shut off with drop in boost on throttle reduction that still leaves rpms "hi" so pump should have some time to catch up? Also understand Peel excess power curve is not meant to power up and wait on acceleration to build, no sir, her throttle is meant to get instant tire spin to a desired level to maneuver, so power cuts give the extra G-force leaps forward. To get as choppy jerky handling as crashing is main need of heat spikes removal as don't expect to need sustained hi boost long to run as fast as can down opens, just getting there right now.
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