Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Tank underside -

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Still trying to find a match to photos of the paint, caught a break when I cleaned off the gunk leftover from the tank pad-

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

The guys are drilling, pulling and welding all the dents and dings in the headlight ear and sidecover. The tank has some Bondo repairs that will be removed and properly repaired (pix before the weekend of the bondo, then the stripped parts)
Atlas head (25319 casting) in good rebuildable condition -

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

No broken fins, no stripped threads. I'll pull the studs out of the old head.

All new valves are here and were delivered to the machine shop with the head, along with valve springs, keepers & collets from the old head. Just waiting on the new guides.
Crankshaft assembled. Bearing shells were sent in standard, need to be .030 Undersize. More waiting...

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Powdercoater is shooting to have the frames done tomorrow and meet me half way (saves me a good bit on travel cost & time).
Head all nice and clean with re-cut valve seats, new guides, and new valves lapped in-

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Another batch of new parts: gasket set, second main bearing, tranny bearing, Barnett clutch plate kit, new pistons & rings, magneto drive chain, exhaust lugs, camchain tensioner foot, oil pressure relief valve with new screen, and second cam bushing.

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration
Cases all cleaned up and ready to assemble as soon as the rod bearings arrive and I get the rods bolted up to the crank. Everything else is ready-

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration
Paul, this is starting to look real good. Can you make any money doing this? I'm thinking of changing careers!
Sure, you can make money doing this. Just like racing, if you want to make $10,000.00, start with $20,000.00 !

The only way I can keep doing this is because we live debt-free (no house, car or other major debt); also my wyfe works part time. Otherwise, I wish you luck!
I'm afraid I'd need a lot more than luck Paul! Keep up the good work....
Final bits for the engine, assembly will now begin.

Wassel high dural pushrod set, new drive sprocket and .030 undersize rod beaing shells

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration
Sung to the tune of "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire"..

Crankcases warming in the oven, bearings chilling in the fridge...

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Very smooth nearly 'drop-in' fitting up, did require a couple of slight taps to get them square in the bores and they dropped in the rest of the way.

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

New oil seal in place-

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

Don't forget to install the correct (drilled) bearing shell half on the rod instead of the cap, or you'll be doing it all over again (if you remember)...

Norton N15CS Hybrid restoration

...I remembered.
Thanx for that tip ludwig, I recall you mentioned that before and i do intend to address the issue.

Is the large steel "o-ring" that is sandwiched in between the crankcase & the inner primary an OEM item?
Hi there, what's the best way to remove the cylinder head while the engine is in the frame, I had seen it's necessary to remove the rocker spindles (both inlet and exhaust ?? cause Paul Morin the hybrid specialist in UK speaks only of the exhaust spindles , and in my case it seems that only the inlet pushrods are quite impossible to remove , cause they are the longer.... yes I can remove the studs and bolts and lower the's a real pain this engine.........the commando is easiest to work on!
I'm trying to remember, I'll have to look back at the project pix. I thik I pulled the head off AFTER removing the engine...