New Project Anyone???

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bwolfie said:
Then get the go ahead and contact me, thats my auction.

Sorry, Man, when I said the BOSS...I meant the BOSS. I tried to convince her I needed just your Dunstall bodywork...but no deal...and that would have meant...well, y'know :lol:
I know. The boss around here has imposed a limit of 3 bikes. I have interpreted that to be 3 running and liscensed. I have also added a few as Hers. I don't count the non runners and piles of parts.
Have you ever seen the Three Stooges comedy where they repair the 1939 Mercury ? One of them says 'quick, the owner is coming !' So they get a shovel and scoop up all the parts and chuck them into the engine compartment, slam the bonnet closed' Mo then jumps into the driver's seat , turns the key and the motor starts. That might work with all those parts in the photo on Ebay ?
Them Stooges likely had a Golem wrenchin`under the car, now if he were Norton trained...
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