Crikey . put them back quick .EVENLY .
Theres a stud tucked up in the centre under the top of the barrel at the back. undo that first ! . :shock:
get a N.O.C. U.K. ' service notebook ' Norton Commando , its tuppance.AND COVERS ANY AWKWARD BITS .
Get some ' coppercote ' copper graphite steam pie sealant from a engineers supplies ( for Exhaust Fittings )
Sit in the snow in underwear for two hours meditateing , for pennance ! :evil: " form a relationship with the mechanical marvel "
" Make haste slowly " its been around a whist now . Dont do NOTHING that doesnt improve it.
Chain up your wallet . Theres no hurry . internet suppliers , Norman White , French N.O.C. club sites .
Get a oily rag and some C.R.C. or better , and remove ANY spots of CORROISION .
Now , have a cup of Tea . AND NO PLASTIC CUPS !
Someone fairly close to Noah designed this thing . Pa Norton was a Presbeterian . ( no , thats NOT a disease ) The Likes of W.O. Bently , Steam Locos , and sailing ships.
But , After all , Its a fairfully modern machine . It was designed AFTER the war . Just . 8)
So no rushing round in circles and getting exited . CHORES . First . Slack off or tighten All Nuts Simultaeneously. If you spend any money , make it on a GOOD set of Spanners .AIRCRAFT GADE .
Nice long ones so youve got ' finger tip ' feed back , real friendly like .No Orangaangs and crowbars . except for a short one for that pesky nut up there ! Dont break the fork leg with the pinch bolt
Ordinarilly a few gaskets and rings !
A wire wheel and maybe a brass wheel and polishing mop for YOUR bench Grinder , rotary stone .
O.K. so put C.R.C. on ALL pesky bolts , preferably two and one weeks before a spanner , and a few days before , just for luck.
A FEW OF THEM ARE GOING TO NEED IT . dont take chances . DO THE LOT .
Now where was I , CHORES . ISOLASTIC O/Haul , Swing Arm Pivot O/Haul , Brake / wheel bearing , suspension O/Haul .
Being poms , this means , DISMANTLEING , - CLEANING , - INSPECTING . Offten S.F.A. else other than NEW LUBE.
unless some baboon has been at it with a Crow Bar . Doesnt look the case in this instance.
Dont go blowing loot on paint till NEXT Centurie . Check the inside of the TANKS for RUST .
Kiwi Land they used to Run Cortina 1500 pistons. or at 920 with sleeves , Ray Pratt at universal Motorcycles in Auckland , on being interogated how many he blew up running W.F.O. sidecar speedway ,
was herd to reply " NONE " . Std. spec. bar big pistons . look on net, askim wot bits .
So , there we arew . A chefs as good as is kitchen . I want to be able to eat my dinner of the floor of your workshop . :lol:
Then its perhaps suitble for such an accomplished piece of machineary. Thats the issue. If the Combine Harvestor isnt treated real well, itll cry out.
Youre after getting it all back clean and appy , better'n new . They had to make a living and couldnt take all day.
YOUVE got ll the time in the world , plus 20 yrs of others misschance messing with em , to steer you right .
Bung the dam pipe ! Or CRC that flange REAL H.D. and get the DAng TOOL for the NUTS . You Mak em . FIRST PROJECT.
a tickle or two with propane, looks like youll need a fire eqtinguyisher too ( see what I said about the wallet !
and a big NYLON or COPPER MALLET , a Slap or Two( your allways aimiming for " a slap or two " . NO MORE .ever.
So thats why you get that little book. and some clean rags . Can of Chain Bar grease for chain saw (preservative)
and go look at te local Air Plane Mechanics tools to see what real ones are and find out were to gettem .\\
AND , we'd like a video when you sit in that snow , please .