2023 SoCal Norton Owner's Club Ojai Ride


Mar 15, 2009
Country flag
Today was the annual Socal Norton Owner's club ride, where the riders meet at the Cactus Patch Restaurant in Moorpark for a ride to Ojai and back. The turnout for the ride was a bit limited, probably due to the rain this morning. But there were still at least a dozen bikes, including six Nortons, that showed up. I wasn't able to do the ride, due to other commitments, but I did manage the short ride from my place to the restaurant, and took these pictures of the bikes.

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This one is forum member elefantrider starting his Commando. I don't know if there were any other forum members there. I didn't manage to talk to many of the riders.

Chris 1200.jpg

This is a shot of the bikes getting ready to set off on the ride.

Ready to Start the Ride 1200.jpg