That's in reference to the round wire circlip that holds the washer and oil screen in the sump plug. Supposedly, they have on occasion come out, letting the circlip, washer, and strainer bounce around in the crankcas doing damage. I don't think that's a high probablility, but the groove in the sump plug is pretty shallow, so maybe it is a risk. I used to put a bit of solder on the tails of the circlip, flowing it into the circlip groove, just in case. I used a large electric soldering iron, which was high enough wattage to heat everyting up properly, so the solder would bond to the circlip and the washer. I don't do that now. I replace the wire circlip with a flat cross-section internal snap ring, which has a lot more spring force holding it in the groove.
Ken Canaga