My MK III Project is finished

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Dec 28, 2008
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I have been threatening to loose some pictures of what has occupied my time for the last 10 months, I also have a doc file that has over 4200 words that I am waiting to post until I hear from the moderator. This link: ... e%20Build/

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A couple of notes: 1) the rear disk is oxidized because I just washed the bike. 2) note the hydraulic clutch, and 3) take a hard look at the triple clamps, they are very cool, and lastly, if you can see it; just under the carbs are my switches, this bike has no key.

Tastefully done machine. I really like your paint scheme. What starter do you have fitted, I am going to upgrade mine but have not decided whether to go to 4 brush on the stock one or purchase one from Dyno Dave or CNW.
Fantastic job, looks great and done with care. Can you post details on the hydraulic clutch? The only time my 850 ever let me down was a broken clutch cable in the middle of city traffic and I'd like to avoid that hassle again.

Porterg: I fit the CNW starter, it spins the engine as though it could run the entire machine at 10 MPH in fourth gear all by itself.

ML: The hydraulic clutch is a CNW pre-production unit that I got by whining on Matt Rambow and Jim Comstock; I funcitioned as a beta site in that I worked with Jim to help refine the dimemsions of the final production units, to a minor degree (I can take no real credit here). The system consists of a Brembro master, which is a mirror image of their Brembro front brake master, with a proprietary slave. The slave fits over the mainshaft inner cover and pushes on the OE ball bearing., The installation is very straight forward, the bleeding is a bit involved, but done evern half-ass it bleeds itself over a two day period, I used DOT 5.1 (not silicon 5.0).

Pelican: The two switches are, Lower: Ignition and starter solinoid. Upper: all others. The original Norton had one fused circuit, mine has 6 (directionals, brake light, headlight, horne and the two relay power circuits for the horn and brake light---on one fuse) + the ignition and starter circuit. I figured that any one failure wouldn't keep me roadside (unless it was the ignition) and any other failure would be easy to trace and fix. The ignition circuit is so simple I could "hot" wire it by crossing any of the other circuits, as needed; the point is that a bad brake light, headlight, horn or directional won''t strand me.
oh thanks, I missed the part where you said there's no key the first time... wish I could wire stuff up like that. Anyway sweet bike!!
Congrats, Bill, I'm looking forward to seeing this beauty live. First coffee at MotoMarket is on me [given your investment in this bike, I'm not sure you could afford it otherwise.... ;-) ]
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