mounting emgo fake dunstalls

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I was going to say that Warp Factor was not around in the 1970s,
but Wikipedia says it was around from the mid 1960s
This getting old business is not good for me:eek:
“Beam me up Scottie” been around awhile in fiction and fact !
Was already to hit buy button for a set like Alan has .... until I got a better look at bike shed roof this morning ..... going to re-shingle south side tomorrow cost for materials was almost exactly what the new pipes would cost , hope there some left in a couple weeks when flush again ...
sorry to hear about roof my latest house 'fix' was hot water heater 2 weeks ago.....$1000
Don't worry about 'any left' because when those are gone they'll churn more out promptly. This isn't the old days for Norton parts... Just have to watch for quality.
Way back when 850 with a combat cam and Dun stall two into one into two I used to refer to them as decibel enhancers. Off throttle from high rpm in third gear in the tunnel sounded great to me.
Two makes good gooder. Right?

Where's the pic of the gooder side?.... C'mon take it easy on me...Mama will give me holy hell when UPS comes to the door.... Not for a while yet because gotta throw money at doctors again. Can't even ride until they straighten out this neck & shoulder junk again, but I still wanna.

and I want a pair of those mufflers to sleep with too. I think they may have therapeutic properties.
I have a pair I got from GPZ I would sell.
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