military bike to the public

May 2, 2009
Now being sold to the public, run on gas, diesel, jetfuel, bio diesel, and 3 or 4 other things.... interesting to say the least

military bike to the public

military bike to the public
I didn't see any prices, but suspect they would be beyond my means. The 250 would probably be the most fun, but the big one more versitile when you are in a combat area. :lol: Pelican you need to stop posting off road stuff because I am going to end up hurt again.............
lol, I want a dual sport kind of bike next for adventure haha. There is a 650 also, but I figured it's close enough to the 670 why post? Thought these were cool. Hell you could probably pour some grain alcohol in and run. :lol:
I keep looking at the Suzuki DRZ-400S and the DRZ-200, cheap to buy and operate, awesome gas mileage and (400 anyway) a HUGE aftermarket but something always stops me from buying a modern, Japanese bike.
