1. There are currently two basic amplifiers. Type AB5 (part No. 48016) which is identified by an external ballast resistor and type AB11 (part No. 48022 and 47020) which has no external ballast resistor. There are variations made for certain applications and these variations are identified by colour coding on the side of the amplifier. It is advisable to have the recommended amplifier for the job and if in doubt please ask. Identification
• Yellow panel - Bistable amplifier for some total loss battery applications and Triumph and Ducati twins.
• Green panel - Advance curve modified for BMW R90S, RS100 and S100 (may be used on all BMW models).
• Black case - (with or without yellow panel) - Advance curve modified for Norton twins with 4S cams. OBSOLETE
Michael imported these systems into the US from Mistral Engineering until they quit making them. If you want to know if there is any electrical difference, perhaps Dave Comeau can tell us.
i have units in total one is the larger finned type,none of them have a paint mark on them ,i fitted the 48022 unit today it ran perfectly,and i tried connecting the 47020 unit and it ran fine as well so this will be my spare unit cheers baz
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