LED blinkies

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May 13, 2007
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I see the thread on electronic flashers (good stuff) and I wonder if there's any vendors in the US who sell LED equivalents of blinker bulbs that work with positive earth? I really want to ditch the current-hungry bulbs.
Ya' know, I think I'll do that. I'm rewiring the ignition anyway, and the polarity switch with a Sparx regulator is just a matter of swapping two wires plus the battery. It's just that all the red wires will be negative then, and that just feels wrong. Must be the EE in me..
What's the deal with that pos gnd anyway? My old John Deere was that way.
I'm siding with Rich
I have no problem with Positive earth as well. If you want to convert your Tach and Speedo to electronic, you have issues... I just know when working on Norton or other Brit bikes of that era you just have your mind set to that task. D/C doesn’t care which way it flows. If you are not to mechanically inclined…don’t trust anyone under 40 to service yer bike…LOL :wink:
positive - ebay 320376992786

I believe this kit is manufactured by bulbsthatlastforever.com.
I think if you have the lastest 3 phase charging systen you need not worry about power consumption at low rpm draining your battery or giving you ignition problems when using headlight , standard signals or tail and brake light. Just an opinion. Doxford
The battery still provides power at idle even with my high output 3 phase alternator. With headlight on at night the blinkers will not flash when the battery gets drained. I figure the battery needs all the help I can give it. Rewiring to negative earth lets me use off the shelf LED bulbs that I can get anywhere, so I'm gonna try that.
Just be aware that the stock flasher unit works on the basis that the "normal" current bends a strip with two different metals to make and break contact. The LEDs won't draw enough current for the stock flasher to work, so you'll need an electronic flasher also.
I believe the owner of bulbsthatlastforever sent an e-mail last year that he was packing it in on the company...was frustrated with not enough interest in LEDs. He sent it to the officers at NCNOC. Anyone else hear that? For the price he was as asking, I'll use bulbs. Bulbs don't draw much current when you consider they seldon are on (unless you drive down the road with your signal on). :D

I have changed the flasher unit from the old heated wire one to an electonic version, it does not slow down with a drop in current so works better with a low battery to a point, once the voltage drops too low it will just stop responding it just takes longer to get there.
Don't forget that if changing to LED signals, you will need to rewire your indicator light in the headlight bucket with diodes or disconnect it. Otherwise you will have four-way flashers!
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