Laverda . Swiftly & with style .

BillT said:
daveh said:
I would really like to compete there, ...

Perhaps you could work something out where you could borrow a bike here. Maybe some sort of exchange, where you provide a ride for a visitor to Ireland and they reciprocate.

It may be a logistical nightmare - suitable machine, proper insurance, licensing acceptable to sanctioning body, etc., but it could be a reasonable way for someone to get a chance to ride one these tracks.

If you come to Barber, you'll at least have access to a Norton to ride around the facility :wink:

That would probably be the best way to do it. And thank you for your generous offer!

Many years ago, two of us did a month long trip around Canada and Alaska and we bought bikes in Seattle. We had an epic trip and crated and shipped our bikes back to Ireland, where we then sold them. Because bikes were so cheap in the States and because of the exchange rate at the time, we didn't lose money, even after paying shipping and import taxes. I doubt if we would be able to do the same now!

Back in 2009, I went to a rally in North Carolina for Speed Triples, and a member from the Speed Triple Forum bought Hondas in California for two guys coming over from Australia. These Aussies, 'Bucket' and 'Leggy', rode with a group from California via the Northern route - I-80 - to North Carolina, rode around North Carolina and Tennessee, then took the Southern route - I-10 and I-20 - back to LA, where the bikes were sold, with about 18000 additional miles. I think the bike 'rental' cost about $400 apiece.

Bucket is from Gympie and Leggy from Melbourne. I think Bucket rode down to Melbourne for the trip - a bit of a ride in itself.
Came across this in the weekend....
Laverda . Swiftly & with style .

Sits outside an old shop, owner has had it 30 years and last road legal in 1997......