Kick start pawl

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Jul 11, 2010
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Spent 4 hours sunday afternoon in the shed polishing all the shinny bits on the Norton while having a few beers, this is the first time I have polished it since its been back on the road since September last year, this morning I pull the bike out of the shed at 5:45am to go to work, gave the kick start a big swing with my kicking leg, at first I throught I had slipped off the kick start lever, so I went to give it another kick, got it on compression and bang, the kick start pedal moved but not the motor, nealy broke my knee cap, what a time for the kick start pawl to shit itself, I have done this a few times in the 36 years of owning the Norton so knew what had happen strait away, funny no warning it just decided to do it then and there.

So when I get home from work this afternoon what will I be doing, pulling the gear box apart, how much fun just for a $6 part,but will pull it apart first before I get a new pawl just incase the kick start gear is worn, but I think I replaced the gear last time I did it, been so long ago now since it has happen, so looks like the Norton is punishing me for giving it a good polish :cry:

$6, where in the world do you get a pawl for that? I thought I got a good deal from RGM for $20 and I haven't even installed it. Any how, I only seem to miss a link once in a while in starting, sometimes I get a drop on the KS, but it doesn't seem to matter, it catches anyhow and when the motor starts, no issue.

Its been over 15 years since I have replaced it so I was only guessing as $6 is what i payed for one then so be surprised if they have gone up that much but will see how much it is from my local british shop tomorrow.

I had the same thing happen me last year but it was the kickstart shaft splitting. Give it a check while you're in there
Kick start pawl
My 1st Combat didn't give any warning either away from home. On 2nd Combat I caught it early by opening up for some other reason and used a spare I had on hand. I suggest a spare on hand as so rare to see a split shaft for goodness sakes but I've got new one of those too thinking if I live long enough it'll be a bargain compared to current prices. Hm, I've got to have more Norton tranny stuff and saw blades cryo tempered, hope I remember to do the pawl too.
My first Norton was a 1970 that I bought new in London for $900. Fairly soon after heading out, the starter pawl let loose. I found out later that there was a batch of pawls that were not case hardened properly. Well, I shopped for a new pawl throughout Europe to no avail. When I got to Houston for a respite on my way to Los Angeles, I began a search there. I found a guy that sold me one that had been welded and re ground. Everyone else said none were available. Then, I cannot remember where or from whom, I scored a new one. I repaired the bike there and then headed home to L.A. That was the only problem I had on a 5000 mile jaunt. It is a good way to wake up. Pushing your bike down the road in the morning to get her going. I became quite adept at starting her up that way. Geeze, I just did the calculation. I was only 22 at the time. Time flies when you are on a Norton.
Hehe I love the scope of tales endured over Commando's and expect many more of em since C'do's are about only vintage comfy and capable enough to keep ya wanting to in modern traffic system. I like the idea of hardened weld cut back bodge-mod. I expect to beat snot out me and pawl on 920 Ms Peel's trying to first start her on unknown fuel setting and timing. Ideally they should last a long time if kick is started under compression load and fires off half way down as normal. ah.
Got home from work yesturday and went strait to the shed and started to work on the gear box, the wife put the kettle on and by the time she made a pot of tea and let it brew I had the outer case off and every thing else apart just needed to undo the main shaft nut and the inter case nuts, didn't take long at all, it has been 20 years ago since I have had the box apart, yes it was the pawl worn, the kick gear is all good and the kick start shaft is all good as well, the oil was nice and clean and inside the box is also very clean, no metal in the oil and the gears I can see all look good.

Will get a new pawl in the next few days, I have new gaskets from my rebuild gasket set as I didn't touch the box when I done the motor up, the gear box on my Norton has always worked well, did the lay shaft bearing in 1978 when it failed and haven't had no problems with the gear box since, always change the oil every year and it has always changed gears smoothly and never clunks into gear.

So this is a easy and cheap fix and will be fixed before the week end, one of the problems is my motor is still very tight even after 4,000 miles from the rebuild as I only went very close tolerance between the final bore and hone, my friend has troubles kicking it over, but then again he is a Truimph owner, but he has to get use to it as he just brought a 750 Norton in a ridged frame basket case and is nearly read to start it after putting it back together but the moter was intact when he got it.

Glad to hear that's all it was Ashley.Sounds like you'll be up and running in no time.
The AMC gear box does not need no stinking paper squashing end play inducing gaskets. Experts taught me this a decade ago and no longer bother with them, just Hylomar or such. Review all the posts on shimming the kicker and lay shaft, works out as designed w/o gaskets. On this not Frank Forester in CA don't even use a head gasket. Only gasket I use any more is TS cover d/t oil nipple crush factor. But there is something to be said for the pin stripe detail of clean gasket edges. Your call.
Well its all back together just the pawl that was worn, a pretty simple job if you know what you are doing, there is a party 2 houses down from my place, when I fired the Norton up and took it for a ride to see if the gear box is working fine as I have a big ride on tomorrow, when I got back a few poeple came over to see what my bike was, later on another bloke came over and told me my bike has been the talking point since.

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