Impulse buy!

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Aug 19, 2010
Just bought a 1967 atlas basket case...all parts there, frame was chopped in the 70s looks great though....will post pictures once delivered....still am mid commando rebuild, but for 1500 couldnt say just have to tell the misuss.... :shock:
The Missus should not control you and your acquisition habits only exception being homelessness. Food is everywhere. Most people overeat anyways. And all that Atlas vibration is sure to bring the bodyweight down = faster.
You are simply holding it in your garage for a friend. Said friend will allow you to do some of the work on it for beer money. When said friend cannot pay for work done, he signs over the title. You will just be helping a friend. She can't fault you for that....
Like most of my friends wives, she's probably smarter than you. So honesty is probably the best policy.
Why is it most women think we like our motorcycles more than them?????????? :mrgreen:
drones76 said:
You are simply holding it in your garage for a friend. Said friend will allow you to do some of the work on it for beer money. When said friend cannot pay for work done, he signs over the title. You will just be helping a friend. She can't fault you for that....

You learn so much on this forum.

Just a thought. We could compile a list of available couches to sleep on. L.A.B. could post it in the tech section.
Despite the Ontario location, I assume, from your "handle" that you're originally from Manchester. I live in Anacortes, Washington State, but I'm originally from Leyland. I got a B.Sc. degree from the University of Salford, graduating in 1965 when it was still RCAT Salford abd the degree was a Dipl. Tech (Mech. Eng).

If you look at some of my old posts, you'll see that I worked at N-V Marston Road during the development testing of the Commando and the AJS Stormer, before I saw the writing on the wall and emigrated to the US to work for Boeing. I took early retirement from the "kite factory" in 1998 and have lived here in God's country since 99. I did a 2-year stint as a transit bus driver just for the experience.

I'm too old and decrepit to kick-start a Commando nowadays, so I just sit back and watch! My current "wheels" are a 2003 Kia Sedona people carrier (minivan) and a 32' Class A motorhome with the Ford 6.8L V-10. Having been a bus driver made the transition to the motorhome very easy.
I'm Canadian, my parents were dad was a tool & die man....funny enough, came here in the mid 60s worked for Boeing as well, then moved on to a farm equipment manufacturer.

All his mates were engineers, tool & die operators etc....use to brag they could eyeball 1/16000" :roll:
MichaelB said:
Why is it most women think we like our motorcycles more than them?????????? :mrgreen:

I tried to convince the wife to let me bring my bike into our bedroom for the Winter, long story short that was a huge mistake!!!
Told the wife...via. Facebook by the time she saw the post, I had 30 friends comment how awesome a deal it was....took the edge off :D

Then I booked Vegas for December....she's happy now.
by bwolfie » Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:12 pm

Remember, it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

My motto! but suffer enough through crafts shows, museums and plays...
I always have found that impulse buys are (almost) always the ones I'm happiest with. The things I agonize over are frequently less great than I thought they would be. Good luck!
Torontonian said:
The Missus should not control you and your acquisition habits only exception being homelessness. Food is everywhere. Most people overeat anyways. And all that Atlas vibration is sure to bring the bodyweight down = faster.

Yep, once you have got it going, your teeth filling if you have got any will fall out first with the vibration :!: :D
I must be living right.... after the movers unloaded my bike, my wife went out and got a cover and a cable lock from the store, moved it closer to the apt. then wrapped it up and locked it down tight !! Yesterday when we were talking via Skype she walked the laptop outside and showed it to me....brought a tear to me eye it did... I'm tempted to go to the pax terminal and manifest myself tomorrow for a mil flight outta here,,,,,,but uh,,,,,, it's almost time for me to catch the bus to the other side of the base and get busy in the hangar,,,,so it's of to work I go .:) Congrats on the new aquisition Mancunian, it should be a fun build !!
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