Great riding weather we are having (NOT)


Jul 11, 2010
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Our wet session has hit us pretty hard this year we had 3 weeks of continual rain then a break for a week then more rain then a few days of dry and now its hitting us again, so not much time on the bikes, I have my new 1200 Thruxton since January and have only clocked up 2500 ks in that time inbetween rain, I don't mean just a few showers but heavy rain and the folks up north are getting even more some places getting over 600mm in 24 hours.
It was a good time to do a few mods I wanted to do on the new Thruxton and I could be doing more work on the other bikes but there is so much moisture around, I have also been out on the new bike a few times when light rain has been hanging around, I don't mind riding in rain if I can stay dry good wet weather gear helps, but most of the rain has been heavy and when the new bike gets home it looks like its been on the road for many years, I have never spent so much time cleaning a bike in my whole life.
The good thing is the rain has helped our farmers who needed it but we can only take so much, our dams are over flowing, my cousin has a cattle property up Cape York just inland where the Cyclone crossed from the Gulf he be cut off for weeks if not months and now there is another one that might be forming off the east coast of Queensland.
The good thing is when we get so much rain in our state other states of Australia benifits from our run off, but I feel for the truck drivers who are all cut off from flood waters our main Bruce Highway is cut off in a few places up north and everone is stuck on the highway.
Its one big mess up North but us Queenslanders are a strong bunch and we will help each other to recover pretty quickly and to get back to normal, its the most rain we have had in years and I think we will have a cold winter this year which is only 2 months away and hopefully things will have dryed out by them, fingers crossed.
Being retired now I am running out of things to amuse myself but my new drainage system around my shed is working great and the water is draining off without getting inside the shed but when the sun comes out the humidity is so high, well as one great aussie once said "such is life"

Great riding weather we are having (NOT)

Hi Ashley,

Shame about the wet. In Switzerland Spring is coming. Took a nice ride out this morning, lovely spring sunshine but still minus temperatures in the hills.

Here is the view from "Alpenblick" a nice bike-friendly café in Jura hills.

Have a great day,

We're into spring already. The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival opened yesterday - hundreds of acres of tulips and daffodils. Days are getting longer and the weather is warming up a little - made 64F yesterday. Still a lot of overcast time, but not too much precip (except yesterday - very heavy rain with some sleet). Today looks promising - broken clouds and sunshine at 08:00.
I got out on the bike the other day but the humitity was so high it was 29c but felt like about 35c I was only out for a few hrs and came home with my leather jacket and shirt so wet from sweat, but now we have more rain on the way with another cyclone off the North coast but it won't effect us to much down the South East except for high seas and a bit of wind, the few days I got out the sky was clear with a few over cast clouds up in the hills, I was going to get out yesterday but the roads are crazy from our Easter break and everone is coming home from their 4 day break as well school holidays and the GOVT. doubles demert points if you get done for speeding when the school holidays are on.
I like our winter days great for riding not to cold just comfortable with clear blue sky days and our nights only get down to about 6c, our wet session will be over hopefully and back to normal.

Its has finaly stopped raining so got out yesterday on the bike and no cops on the road they are all down the Gold Coast for the Commwelth games that is happening so was a great day out, but it was a bit blowy with the Cyclone off the Norht Queenslad coast hovering around.

Central WI, USA, We normally get 4" of snow in the month of April. We have had 11" so far this month. It' the 6th. It is also way below normal temps. High of 25 F today.
I am not complaining, because there are a lot of folks who are having much worse weather than us.
I never complain myself its part of life we have to live with but 6 weeks of rain the last 2 weeks of on an off but the last few days been good with a few showers in between, I don't know about snow as I have never experience it in my whole life but I feel for you folks that do and not being able to get out on the bikes and salt on the roads, at lease when its light rain I do get out on my bike a bit of rain don't worry me but snow and cold would.
Hope you see some warm weather soon to enjoy your bike or bikes.

Well the rain has finaly gone and the sun is shining with clear blue sky went out with 2 of my best riding mates yesterday we been riding together for over 45 years and know all the roads like the back of our hands, done just on 400ks on some of the best twisty roads around the only put off was coming up one of the best twisty road around a few cars flashing their lights so we had to slow down to the speed limit of 60ks and sure enough up near the top a cop hiding behine a tree with his radar gun, our GOVT is broke and the only way to get big bucks off every one is lowing speed limits on some of the best roads around and hitting people in their back pockets hard, they say its for safety but we all know that is BS. Even now they dropped the speed limit on the main highway down the coast from 110ks to 90ks because of the Commwelth games that are on, well I surpose they got to make up for all the money they have spent on the games some how and it has kept most of the state's coppers down there so not many everywhere else except for the one hiding behine a tree.

Life is great but sometimes it sucks as well.

Hi Everybody, perfect weather at the moment. This morning took a ride in Alsace, France. The roads are great and always pretty quiet compared to NW Switzerland.
This little Fort is on the Maginot line not far from Basel. The dome is around 20cm thick.
Great riding weather we are having (NOT) Great riding weather we are having (NOT)

Have a great day,

Rode the SS clone yesterday to test out the new ignition switch. Weather was perfect-high 80s and sunny. Forecasters say we are going directly to Summer with very little Spring.