Believe it or not there is nobody or any outfit here in a city of 180,000 people that polishes aluminum. Crazy! There are a few places that do wheels on cars but they don't want to deal with small motorcycle parts. :evil:
I don't have a garage or shop otherwise I would takle it myself. If anyone knows of a reputable place, I'm into it. I'm in Saskatchewan so the closer to me the better but at this point I'll take what I can get. I want my lower fork legs, rear brake caliper and the tach/speedo buckets done. Thanks everyone.
I don't have a garage or shop otherwise I would takle it myself. If anyone knows of a reputable place, I'm into it. I'm in Saskatchewan so the closer to me the better but at this point I'll take what I can get. I want my lower fork legs, rear brake caliper and the tach/speedo buckets done. Thanks everyone.