Gearbox Removal Video?

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Mar 1, 2019
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Has anyone done a video of removing the gearbox? I am talking about after the primary and other items are off and out of the way. Just the last steps of removing the crank case bolts and jockeying the gearbox out. There are a lot of posts and descriptions on this forum but it sounds tricky.

I have the hemmings gearbox video but it does not show the removal.
It is not really that tricky. I use a bench with a front wheel clamp, as you cannot support the bike on the center stand. Tiedowns also work.

Remove the air cleaner, and the head steady from the frame tube. I use a small bottle jack under the engine cases at this point, then loosen off the engine to cradle bolts, removing the lower two - it may take some jockeying to get the lower on out, especially if it is a bolt and not a stud. Once out, lower the jack a bit to rock the lower cradle away from the engine. Ensure the transmission adjuster is completely removed. Rotate the transmission, and slide it out the right hand side.
These two pictures explain what I needed to understand. I now understand.

Gearbox Removal Video?
Gearbox Removal Video?
After removing the primary drive and cases, remove the head steady, fuel tank, silencers and air cleaner. Remove all engine mount bolts except the top rear. Loosen the top rear engine mount bolt.

Place a bottle jack under the front of the crankcase and lift the the front if the engine allowing the engine to rotate to clear the notch in the rear cradle pictured above.

Remove gearbox mounting bolts and adjusters to allow the gearbox to be rotated to align with notches in the rear cradle. The gearbox can now be removed.

On my MK II I was able to leave the bike on the center stand with the front wheel chocked and the front end tied down with ratchet straps.
I'm thinking there must be something wrong with my commando
I only removed the primary drive and primary cases etc
Then the gearbox bolts
Revolved the gearbox and pulled it out
I don't remember taking any engine bolts out
I think I slackened the rear cradle to crankcase bolts
But I don't remember removing any ISO bolts or using a jack etc
Maybe I'm just not remembering???
The gearbox can be removed from a Mk 3 without disturbing the cradle bolts. Also, the cradle can be machined to allow for a less dramatic transmission removal.
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I surrendered trying to remove from frame (mkII) when it would not rotate to clear the plates. Proceeded with full gb strip down and bearing renewal in frame. All went well.
Thanks for the guidance. I still think a short video or visuals of some sort would help the next newbee. I will see if I can do this during my work.
Removed the chain, oil lines, upper gearbox attachment hardware, and got the nuts off the lower gearbox attachment. Noodled for a while on the next step of getting the engine case corner out of the way of the cradle notch. I read all the advice on that.
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