Update ... IT'S DONE!!
Gas tank update.
Well, I finally finished -- PHEW!!
After the last post ...
1. Had a few beers.
2. Soak with gasoline for 24 hours with occasional shaking (the theory being that any gunk originally came from gasoline, so it should go back into solution) ... it came out pretty clear with some rust flakes.
3. Another serious sloshing with Tide and very hot water. Rinse.
4. 24 hr. soak with a solution of Hydrochloric and Nitric Acids ... about 10ml/5ml resp. to a gallon of H2O if anybody cares. I used reagent strength ... don't ask where I got it 8) . Tank finally came clean, down to the bare metal. Sweet :!: Also, no thin spots or pinholes.
5. Etch with Phosphoric acid solution (over the counter tank prep stuff). (Don't rinse).
6. Dry overnight with a warm hairdryer blowing through.
7. Coated with POR, drained, and let blow with cool air overnight, then 24 hours with warm. (Needs 96 hours at 70d. F to cure).
8. Had a few more beers
All done, with the paint intact, so I'll hold off going to the red for now.
Next steps, touch up the black chips with modelers enamel, 600 wet/dry or rubbing compound on the spots where solvent dribbled, shoot some rattle-can clear enamel to seal it (maybe).
Install petcocks, new gas-cap seal assy., new front and back rubbers, mount, run fuel lines, and fillerup