Some pictures (and light reading) for you here: engineering-compromises-leading-exhaust-threads-stripped-t14363.htmlhtown16 said:Thanks Dave. Will post a picture here when I get a chance and maybe you can help me make the call.
kerinorton said:I prefer to use solid sealing washers either aluminium or copper. I am lucky a previous owner had the head welded up between fins on both ports and fitted 2 studs on each exhaust. Its not original but those buggers never have worked loose. The 750 is still original and so far has not worked loose, but its my restoration baby so it doesn't get much use.
Beach said:When using the 750 unbalanced pipes with the 850 exhaust nuts, an extra crush washer will take up the space needed for the shorter threads..
htown16 said:Here's the pics
The one on the far right is definitely off of a 750, middle right I believe is an 850 and the two on the left are the ones in question.
I really can't see much difference in any of them.
The bike in question is a 1974 850 with a rh4 head.
I definitely want to fit the 750 pipes without the crossover a) I think they look better b) the cross over pipe was a major pia on my Bonneville c) I already have a pair
I antisieze everything that is a two metal contact and I learned to leave the outer tab washers off on my 72 rebuild.
If you think the Norton design is a compromise check out a 750 Triumph where you push the pipes into the head and hope for the best.
Where did you get the nut on right in your picture?