electronic guages

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Feb 20, 2008
I want to go electronic I have had it with that 30 foot speedo cable and garbage drive and I dont like the thought of agear being driven off my cam.

My last name is not rockafeller and I cant afford 1000 bucks for a upgrade.

Any cheaper alternatives for a commando?

KROBER tachometers are still available . Same as F750 Triumphs used .

Their a " IMPULSE ' Tachometer , so the needle is very sensitive , suspended in an electrical field .
It will catch the high & low point of rev shift on a gear change.
Fancy Hurricane 750 with blue yellow stripes & 3-1 in mag aeons ago had one.
Rectangular thing with the top corners knocked off .Wires to coil .

VDO do impulse tachometers too.

As for speedos ? pulled up on the Triton . " How fast were you going " !

Er , that was pointing to 3 or 4 !

" Thats all right then ! "

Stealling a Falcon Car speedo drive would get you a electronic speedo sender .
Differant cogs are available for calibration.just a matter of having a matching speedo head.Electronically .

Callibrate speedo in KNOTS , if fitted . How Fast Were You Going ! 60 Knots = 111 Km Hr .
Most people wouldnt know what a knot is , so its fairly safe to say ' 60 Knots ' :D Get Knotted ? :P :wink:
I pot an acewell on my 850 project. Electric speed and tach. it's small, reasonably priced and feature packet. Do a search for acewell on here and google. several people have them. I paid $200 for mine.

electronic guages

electronic guages
I fitted an Acewell 3250 ( http://www.acewell-meter.com/ ), it has many many features such as an 8,000 RPM tach, speedo (Km or MPH), trip meters, odometer, max speed, max RPM, fuel gauge, temperarture sensor, clock and even a voltmeter. Costs less than $200. Take a look at Koso gauges too ( http://www.kosonorthamerica.com/ ) Both offer many syles of gauges, but not many are made for a low revving motor like tha Norton. If you are willing to pay a bit more, well, quite a bit more, drool over the gauges from Motogadget ( http://www.motogadget.com/ ) their "chronoclassic" is really nice for our old bikes.

electronic guages

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