I suggest that due to conditioning, everybody's mindset has changed. Nothing makes things more impossible than thinking they are impossible. I have built about 5 hybrid racing motorcycles out of parts from wreckers and mates who have destroyed their bikes. 3 of those bikes were fast enough to be with the lead bunch in races.
In short, if we really wanted something we made it. I think these days everybody feels the need to go to university to 'become' something. However during my lifetime the earning power of many jobs changed dramatically.
I always had a different approach. I studied and worked at what interested me, and usually in jobs which involved a training component. As a result I am more versatile than many. Australian employers these days are more interested in whether you can actually do the job, rather than formal qualifications. Yet our kids sweat in secondary school and incur large debts for tertiary education.
There is a problem these days - if you mention during a job interview, your desire to improve your education, you can end-up on a training wage, which is lower. - So the bastards have all the bases covered.