Cylinder nut tightening sequence

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Jun 14, 2007
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I see references to tightening the cylinder nuts 'in sequence,' but haven't found anything that reveals what that sequence is. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks - BrianK
Thanks DogT. I did look there, and just did again, but I'm not finding it. Found the cylinder nuts sequence, but not the head bolts/nuts. ... ghtening-1
Cylinder nut tightening sequence ... ghtening-2
Cylinder nut tightening sequence
BrianK said:
Found the cylinder nuts sequence, but not the head bolts/nuts.

This is the tightening sequence for the cylinder head nuts & bolts. ... p/028.html

I don't think there is a set cylinder base nut tightening sequence as far as I know?

The word 'diagonal' has been added to the MkIII manual instructions, thus: "tighten in a diagonal sequence."
Thanks guys. I'll do the usual "diagonal" approach and not worry more about it. Appreciate the advice. - BrianK
I tighten mine the same way I would tighten a transmission gasket on a car, start in the center and work your way out.
I have know idea whether this is right or wrong but my 71 with a compression plate with many miles does not leak or seap at all.

Dry as a bone

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