Current fuel

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Also there would not be enough land to grow crops to make ethanol in sufficient quantities to satisfy just the US thirst for internal combustion vehicules. We would be forced to eat mushrooms :mrgreen:

I don't think Henry Ford knew what ethanol would do to metals in the long run.

VP 110 here, bike lives on the stuff @ 11:1 and no plugged jet's, timing fixed @ 28 deg. Stuff doesn't do harm to a 1970 fiberglass tank either, which is amazing. Not a street bike, 5 gal. every 2-3 weeks @ 15$ gal. On the street bike, if the bike sit's for more than a month, the fuel must be drained or the pilots plug with stuff.
Yep VP110, Used in my Dunstall fiberglass tank for several years. No problem. Pretty much the same fuel I used to pump into peoples cars at the Skelly station in 1970 for 42 cents a gallon. Jim
That's funny. I worked at a Standard station in 1970, long after the white pump stuff was available. My father used that stuff in his 47' Alfa, along with 100 others. He was a real gear head. That's why I am the way I am. That's what I tell my wife.
The Premium Unlead we get from our terminal is at least 91 octane, and frequently tests better. It seems to last longer before turning into varnish like this modern stuff does. We run it everything , even the lawnmowers. It's good stuff.
My little town doesn't have any stations that carry real Premium, the nearest town that does is 30 miles away, and the pumps only have one hose for all products, so for a motorcycle, you get what the last guy got, and the next guy gets the Premium. That's why we have a tank here on the farm.
Here is what I have available locally at the pump.

Current fuel

Current fuel
Openroad and I have similar set ups, good stuff is available at a few stations and off road farm fuel supply. I've 300 gal over head tank 91 oct. for mowers/tractor/saw and motorcycles. But if going far away may not have a choice. They took away $1000 bills then 100 octane and sliver out the coins and zinc out the oil, so why not dilute the fuel too.

I've searched up modern gasolines, very complex mostly over my head but see the various alcohols are considered oxygenators and used to bump up octane while lowering other toxic organic solvents.

Acetone is the worse for resins even vinyl resin at room temp.
There was a rash of ruined boats from tanks made of older resins like Norton used. Some air planes too when fuels got mixed up, metal parts decayed.

Seems only 2 choices in our fiber tanks, Caswell or Hersht.
Mark, if it really is alcohol free you are lucky. Be really nice if it was 93 octain. My bike pings on 91 when I get down under 500 feet elevation.
I would like to test it and see if it actually is alcohol free. Jim
Here is a Mk3 850 head that is off for exhaust thread repair. (left cylinder) It has just done 4500 kms touring, 34mm Mikuni and mostly run on 98 Premium unleaded. (supposedly no Ethenol)
Note the very light patches, the plugs are very light, the exhaust valves are a dark grey. The piston tops are dark grey to black.
See the piece of clean alloy on the left head towards the middle,( right in picture), and another near the inlet valve. Maybe the loose header caused it to flake off?

Current fuel

Anyway it was the colour with premium unleaded I was interested in. I don't think it's running lean or the headers would blue badly ?????


sorry if I'm getting off track here,
That looks pretty normal to me. Dark gray piston tops would indicate you are safe. Maybe just a bit rich. Jim
here is a web site for avgas that is used by pilots to plan and see what is available and at what cost.
If you enter sfz (my local airport) in the search field you can see who sells what. Look for the little gas pump logo.
Whilst this is no guarantee you can wander in and make a purchase at least it provides some local info.
Find out what your local municipal id is and take a look at what's around. If you're interested in a fuel purchase, DON'T CALL, make a prepared (5gal can) appearance and smooze. Hours vary, early is better.
I lost my air licenses when I went blind, never affected my motorbike operator priviledges funny enough. Go figure.
I had no problem getting Avgas 110ll from my local airport, Warrenton Fauquier Airport in VA. I did call them in advance to see that they would sell gas into a plastic can. No problem. When I went there, they were more than helpful and had no issues with it. Only problem is it leaves a blue residue on the bottom of the carbs from tickling, but it wipes off easy enough. Plus it doesn't leave any odor on your fingers from the tickling unlike car gas. Seems to run fine, but I think because of the lead I am going to look into unleaded no ethanol gas which seems to be available, but about 80 miles away from me in Harrisonburg. I'm really not interested in putting ethanol in any tank, fiberglass,aluminum or steel. Seems to me another corporate welfare thing for the farm subsidy.

Jeandr said:
The other thing is you use more fuel to go the same distance with ethanol, this is a lose-lose situation, the governement (that is you and me) subsidize the corn growers to make fuel, it is not any cheaper at the pump and you use more of it, at the same time, corn prices go up and thus your corn flakes, tacos, tortillas, coke (corn syrup) all cost more to buy.
To make this rant follow the subject, we are at the forefront of this problem because this ethanol is ruining the fiberglass our tanks were made from, it was a bad decision on all counts and it is especially painful for us, me included, I have had two paint jobs ruined by this garbage, I was able to get it redone once because I thought the painter had done a bad prep job, but the second one I have to live with until I fix it for good.

This is a fascinating thread. Right on Jean! Your post is no rant, it is the absolute truth.
The Oil Companies, Corporate Agri-business, and our Government Officials are bending us over here in the States. Ethanol fuel is a total scam; the consumer gets trucked once again! I'm sad to hear that it is the same up there in Canada. I thought your country was somehow more civilized.
Never make fuel from food if you can avoid it.
Nice Norton BTW.
PS The people involved in this scam are going to hell for certain, where they will clean carberetors for all eternity. Amen.
Ethanol from sugar cane makes sense from an energy cost/benefit point of view. From Corn? Absurd! The cost/benefit is backwards. But since we don't have a US sugar cane industry the politicians have to do the best they can. Which means EVERYBODY'S SCREWED! (except the folks that are making money from this scam)
Oh yes there's a sugar cane cartel but it not grow-able in as wide an area as genetic modified corn.
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