Crankshaft Assembly

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Jun 14, 2017
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The machinist who ground my 750 crankshaft did not mark which half bolted up to the center so now I have no idea what goes where. How do I figure it out or dies it not matter? I see casting numbers on one half of the center and nothing on the side. Also, heaven knows how he removed the bolts as I cannot get them to fit. It seems they are too long. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Are you sure he didn’t mark one crank cheek and the flywheel somehow to show the orientation?

Have a close look, cos he shudda.

And if he didn’t, you need to find a new machinist cos it points to sloppiness...
Also, heaven knows how he removed the bolts as I cannot get them to fit. It seems they are too long.

Perhaps you could give more detailed information rather than saying they don't fit because they seem too long which doesn't mean much?
Are they new bolts (and studs) or the originals?
Look at the flanges on the cheeks and flywheel where they mate up, there will be matching patterns.

The 750 has a mixture of bolts and studs, the studs at the bottom insert through a cheek first , blocking plate, the nut then fit and then the corresponding parts. (counter weight - other cheek - blocking plate - nut)
It has studs at that location because they can not be installed with the unit together or between the cheek. (to long)
The bolts should not be a problem.
The 850 is the same but uses studs/nuts at all 6 locations.

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Don't forget the lower blocking plates (which do not need to be folded over) on the lower studs which captivate the lower alinement pin.

I make the picture if this is what the to long corresponds to.

Crankshaft Assembly
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