Convert Corbin Seat Mounts

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Oct 28, 2009
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I recently purchased a Corbin Gunfighter seat for my 1972 Commando. The seat uses the key lock and bracket mounting system.
The original Corbin seat used the standard mounting system with the slotted brackets and seat knobs. With that mounting system it is easy to swap the Corbin solo seat with a stock dual seat and carry a passenger.

Has anybody converted a newer style Corbin Gunfighter to use the stock seat mounting system?
I'm still in the process of doing that.
I have modified an OEM base so that it locks on to the Corbin spike. Cut a hole to accept the lock and used about a dozen of the round rubber buffers to match the frame and mudguard. Obviously the foam has to come off to do this.
Next step is to stiffen/strengthen the base using carbon fibre tape and epoxy resin
I was thinking of doing the opposite: modifying the later base so it used the earlier mounts.
Corbin must have thought they were making a seat so special that it would be stolen if it wasn't locked down.
Easy to change mounts, might have to pull the cover off to do it proper I run a Commando interstate solo seat with the hump on my Wideline had to change the mounts as well I have a normal interstate seat when I had the wife on the back I pulled of original mounts and welded them in the right position for the Featherbed frame and put a new seat cover on the dual seat at the same time, wasn't such a hard job at all with new clips etc.
I was thinking of doing the opposite: modifying the later base so it used the earlier mounts.
Corbin must have thought they were making a seat so special that it would be stolen if it wasn't locked down.
I would go with altering your 2-up seat to work with the Corbin latch as I think it works so nice. I asked for the early style mounts when I ordered my Corbin which were not available but after seeing how nice it mounts, I was sold.Just my 2 cents.
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