Compliments Test

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Dec 28, 2009
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Compliments test revealed 8 in one day, highest yet , 5 at the grocery store and 3 at Liquour Store. Others ?
Torontonian said:
Compliments test revealed 8 in one day, highest yet , 5 at the grocery store and 3 at Liquour Store. Others ?

So you went to the liquour shop 3 times in one day????? a bit suss.. Ashman would never do that.. Maybe you should write a list before grocery shopping 5x's...

Or do we have another communication gap!
Liquor store arrival : "Nice Bike ". Upon exiting 2 others : "Beautiful old Norton" and "Nice , what year ?" Grocery store visit 5 more peoples with more compliments talk and smiles. Sometimes they add yappings about their old Kawasaki or whatever so smile and patiently listen. So 8 people in one day my record , just had to share that fun. Had to stay there awhile though as cute girl needed help , BMW car stuck in parking lot depression area of lot with drained battery and mud stains halfway up wheels due to torrential rains overnight. Subway floodings and closures today here.
During my 1st 6 mo on a un-restored oil leaker run on dusty-muddy paths in bug season with fading b/g paint I came upon a cycle beauty contest in small town parking lot with dozens of expensive competition so parked a dozen spaces away and walked towards the crowd to see like a dozen people suddenly all walking out of the gathering past me - then saw dozens of cycle owners all looking past me with jaws open, some shaking head others with hands in the air so I turned to see what they were so concerned with - to see its was all the show photographers gathered around '72 pre-Peel so couldn't even see it.

Another time TV crew needed a loud cycle for another obnoxious HD noise story during the HUGE Bikes Blues BBQ, one of a daily series, so they were conditioned to big HD tractor-truck type loud, given nod by pretty TV gal to start up, one kick turned on at dead idle softeness, then a nod for a sound blip, but was '04 Ms Peel's prime of super-duper-rev'r-upper by then, bLATTTTTTT >>> stumbled them all back in shock almost falling over & jarring camera to view the sky as Peel ripped fabric of space conduction out open megaphone over 7 grand before i could fully snap WO. Found out later the hard way Peel could stumble me back in shock getting second wind way over 7grand in tin shed...

Compliments Test
Good admirations. Photographers and film crews ignoring lines of H-D's to give attention to Norts always a pleasant surprise.
Wesley actively discourages encounters with strangers when on our Cdo's by parking in side nooks or between way bigger cycles but did get to show off his '71 this year at BBBBQ at the Ozark Vintage club because no one else around to start a cycle when TV crew arrived. Wes and I have traveled 1000's mile together and have many tales of people making special efforts to get to where we were resting or more often repairing while Wes and I discussed why in the world would we pick such fragile old things as world of moderns cruise by w/o a glance.
Its warmed to 60's light breeze clear sky so talked Wes into taking his smoking '71 to follow SuVee on new backwoods Gravel paths up/dn Mt's through nature preserve I only know it'll eventually spit us out somewhere we recognize to head to Eureka Springs for a pit stop to see what his Commando bait catches this time. Usually stop at the Piped Piper bar where the server gals will sometimes bump bare breasts with customers so maybe attach not to Wes's bike [w/o telling him]. Too many bikes there on days like this for cars to park near. "Need topless models for chopper mag photo"
Eureka ! Had breasty model car washes n' sudz, here for one summer legal , then banned due to massive lineups of cars blocking traffic flows. Partay over .
I stopped going to the Liquour store on my Norton to many poeple stop to talk when there is some serous drinkin to be had, I am lucky my wife when out shopping she alway phones me up to ask if I need anything, sometime she comes home with a cold 30 pack of my favorite brew and sometime she comes home with 2x 30 packs one cold and one hot for later, its cheaper to buy 2x 30 packs in the long run, she is a good girl.
But when ever I am out on my Norton I get so many asking about my bike, my Norton isn't any show pony and has a lot of road miles on it so it has that well ridden look about it, a lot of older poeple think its a old Dommie but only I know the true sercret that sits in the Wideline frame and of course they hang around for me to start it, it always start on the first kick and when I leave I give it a good blast down the road.
One question I always get asked is the Joe Hunt hangin out, they always ask whats that and I am a bit of a cheeky person and always tell them some bullshit story what ever comes in my head at the time, it amuses me when they start scrahing their heads, but when they find out I have owned it for 39 years it blows them out.

"I used to have one just like it back in the day"
-- - Pretty much every old guy out there who sees my bike
Got talked into going to Cowes for the "Classic and Interesting Bikes" show and I was amazed to be ushered in to the display area on BessieCommando. Quite a surprise as I expected to be parking out on the street and looking at the other bikes rather than being part of the show! People even taking pictures of my bike! Unbelievable.

Here she is hiding behind my friend's excellent Triton:

Compliments Test

As you see, she's certainly no show pony, but is functional. Only got her rebuilt on Thursday night after an oil tank mount fractured on my last long ride a couple of months ago. Have to pull half the bike to bits to get the danged thing out.

Great day by the way. Strongly recommend it to anyone on The Island next year to rock up for the Saturday morning fun.
davamb said:
Got talked into going to Cowes for the "Classic and Interesting Bikes" show and I was amazed to be ushered in to the display area on BessieCommando. Quite a surprise as I expected to be parking out on the street and looking at the other bikes rather than being part of the show! People even taking pictures of my bike! Unbelievable.

Here she is hiding behind my friend's excellent Triton:

Compliments Test

As you see, she's certainly no show pony, but is functional. Only got her rebuilt on Thursday night after an oil tank mount fractured on my last long ride a couple of months ago. Have to pull half the bike to bits to get the danged thing out.

Great day by the way. Strongly recommend it to anyone on The Island next year to rock up for the Saturday morning fun.

Looks great, you should be proud. Did anybody get a prize for the most or least oil drips from the "tarmac police"..
2010 in the pits at Barber's, with the alloy-tank monoshock 850.

Must have been several hundred people stopped by and gawked, asked questions, caused me to miss a practice session, etc.

Even more when I rode the bike out of the Betor auction barn and rode a nice wheelie down the rear driveway area, clapping, etc.

Should have never sold that bike, it would cost me twice as much to build it today.

Compliments Test
Good news , got 11 compliments in one day for the new silver Interstate MK111 ! Just putting around town. That's a lot. A new record.
davamb said:
Got talked into going to Cowes for the "Classic and Interesting Bikes" show and I was amazed to be ushered in to the display area on BessieCommando. Quite a surprise as I expected to be parking out on the street and looking at the other bikes rather than being part of the show! People even taking pictures of my bike! Unbelievable.

Here she is hiding behind my friend's excellent Triton:

Compliments Test

As you see, she's certainly no show pony, but is functional. Only got her rebuilt on Thursday night after an oil tank mount fractured on my last long ride a couple of months ago. Have to pull half the bike to bits to get the danged thing out.

Great day by the way. Strongly recommend it to anyone on The Island next year to rock up for the Saturday morning fun.
you had me making a double take there!thought you were talking about Cowes isle of wight uk. I was wondering how I'd managed to miss it.
My favorite was while stopped at a light, young hipster says: " nice cafe racer!"

I smiled, nodded, astride my stone stock Roadster with American spec high bars. It musta fit the image in his mind
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