Due to the danger of pistons cracking most shops just won't do it, that being said it is very easy to do and all you need are a lathe and a coarse knurling tool to do it (I usually grip them by the ring land and rotate the piston against the tool). What you need to find is an old timer not afraid of doing things the old fashioned way and understands what it means to just get it running...the rebuild can come later.
Generally when you knurl you go oversize and then polish with emery back to size, knurling to an accurate diameter is next to impossible. Usually you need the block to polish the pistons to fit after.
You might want to try some of the more remote communities near you that cater to the local farmers, more than a few tractors finished harvest with a knurled piston or two in her innards!
Hope you get some luck finding a machine shop with a machinist who went to the school of hard knocks, they are getting harder to find nowadays.