It's the biggest divorce ever.
Who gets the kids?
I hope my 401K and pension fund don't exit along with the UK.
Britfan60 said:
I'm hoping Norton, a relatively small and new company, can survive the next global economic down turn.

Me too!

What's the link between that and Brexit though?
Its the 10 year cycle. We needed someone to blame. Last one was the banks and the housing bubble. Before that, the internet bubble and 9/11. The timing is always a 10 year cycle. The rich will stay rich, the middle class is doomed for another 8 years. Sorry, not about bikes. I just wish Norton all the best in this next economic down turn. A lower priced 650 is looking pretty good about now.
The middle class HERE has had enough, and things WILL change in November.

(for the better, I hope)
Personally, as an ex-pat Brit, I'm glad Brexit passed, though we haven't lived there since 1968. There was far too much interference, particularly by France and Germany, in what should have been nobody's business but that of the British people. I think it's fortunate that they didn't accept the Euro to replace the Pound or get rid of the mile and the pint in favor of the kilometer and the litre.
What I find hard to believe is that the EU mobsters are not elected by each of the respective countries to be legitimate representatives, although we in the US know all too well that "representatives" can be bought and paid for with piles of money, and nary a single vote.

Still, you would think the member countries would have at least wanted SOME sort of representation in major decisions the likes of which the EU has been DICTATING.