Curious to know your need for convincing?
From my testing, they are both microprocessor run. I depotted a micro digital and can verify that one 100%. :twisted:
The biggest difference I can tell is the length of dwell. The micro digital is a long dwell with a fancy advance curve with the antistall feature. The Micropower is virtually the same except it is a short dwell system necessitating the short dwell coils and also has the antistall featured curve.
The micropower is measured as the lowest "AVERAGE" current draw. Which would seem to be a benefit. The stepped dwell increments are the only question mark in my book since they are (IIRC) not strictly a smooth and steady % of conduction time. My memory is starting to get a bit stale since I did these SO long ago. :|
I have not run either on my bikes....only on the distributor machine.
For Micro MkIII, MkIV and Micro Digital, either two 6V coils connected in series or, one dual coil of at least 3.0 Ohms primary resistance(see Boyer instructions).
The Micro Power kit includes a digital mini dual coil which must be used with that system.
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