Boranni vs Akront

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Oct 28, 2009
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I have Akront flanged rims on my Commando. I have been offerred a flanged Boranni wm 3-19. Is this similar, or even identifical to the Akront? I am thinking that it could go either on the front or the rear. From the photo of the rim, it looks like it has 40 spokes, laced to a small diameter hub, probably for a disk brake wheel. Would that fit on the Norton 8 inch drum hubs?

Stephen Hill
Victoria, BC
been looking for Borranis for a few months now. could not find any that fit. I actually bought one from Woody Wheels Works that seemed to work, was sent to the UK (central wheel components) for lacing etc, and they realised it would have not fitted well my hub. So it was eventually sent back to WWW (they paid all money back, incl shipping and custom -excellent service).
Would be careful.
Hmmm. Good question. But isn't that like asking why anybody would buy any Norton parts if you have a Norton??
Cause more is better? Okay, to be a bit more focused, I have a 19inch Akront on the front, and an 18 on the rear. Works fine. But if one gets smucked, or if I want to go with two 19's, I am short a rim. Makes perfect sense to me.....
I am still wondering if you can lace a rim drilled for a disk hub on a drum hub.
And also wondering if an Akront and a Boranni are similar/identical in appearance.

Stephen Hill
Victoria, Bc
Alloy rims drilled for Norton disk brakes do not have the spoke holes drilled at the proper angle for Norton drum brakes. You can porbably make them fit, but you'll likely be bending the spokes. Not a great idea. I've seen them with the holes drilled out to a larger size to make them fit, but that never seemed too smart to me either.

The shouldered Borranis and Akronts are pretty similar in appearance. I've used both, and as I recall, the Borranis are slighly lighter, but only slightly.

The hole angles are so different any wheel builder will tell you to take off. No way to take a front drum and make it work with a disk.
The flanges on the Borrani are straight, the flanges on an Akront Morad are more splayed out.
My front Akront Morad has a slight kink in it where it is welded, which I am not happy about. Luckily it doesn't notice when riding.
I would go for a Borrani if I could get one, in keeping with age of the bike.
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