bending frame on purpose?

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baz said:
acotrel said:
Where are Steve's videos ? I'd like to see them. I think a commando would be very unwieldy on the dirt.
or up a dry rocky riverbed !

Maybe Steve will post some of them for all to see.
He had one video where he was putting in new deck boards on a trailer I think where he used a rifle to make holes instead of a drill for the bolts.
And a set of mufflers cuz the baffles were loose so he shot it and put a bolt in there.
Hey Steve, Am I remembering this right?
I tell ya what I got so spoiled on Peel on rough stuff I tried to take Trixie into Peels fun stuff to be shocked how quickly stuck, hi centered hung up or tossed down while creeping even with both feet down. No wonder yoose guys are so confused on Peel off roaring antics. I got a number of 'recent' video of gun play on inanimate objects i've no intention to eat. i only have stills in a few places I could actually get off with Peel held up by side stand or stuck in rear spin out rut nose up hi centered on a mogal crest I forced hitting harder and harder till just blasted through or jumped over the hang up. Stuff hit dead on not too bad but the assymetric strikes have tossed me off so Peel didn't land on me, again. I am definitely afraid of being impaled by limbs and crash cage. Peel has done every part of a full 360' barrel roll landing on tires wit me still in saddle but so unexpected event by ground giving way or tractor hay spikes in my face didn't have time to prep so didn't flip quite enough to land sqaure enough to bounce away ok.

This was a mud snatched hook just coasting into shed when tail began to pass hip so straight steered with it feathering power not to spin nor drag tire and stayed up till sludge stopped us, dare ya to try to keep that in 'control' I had to move her right after as stand began to sink.
bending frame on purpose?

One of the few times this summer day '-04, when not hanging on both grips for dear life envying the clearance of the 2 smokers that couldn't keep up once I got some hang of it. Yes Peel took me across every log and stump seen here and more, one of which did hit only one frame rail Splat. This was special day to me & Peel's tri-link life style as opened up her road flight envelopes into Phase Three and Phase Four that does twist frame up suddenly but don't release till I say so and how hard too. Just like a rubber band type sling shot. Closest thing to water skiing in boat wakes and wind chop.
bending frame on purpose?

Here's some video to sort though.
Serious question for you, hobot. Have you considered just buying a dirt bike for like $30 on your local craigslist? :mrgreen:
bending frame on purpose?

Jimmy was so confusing to my Elvis ears till one day I was left in a smoke filled car radio on to hear it all & it was playing this spring while car dash cam recorded un-leveled levitation sideways across car wide gaps on 40'+ slope they have to pull tractor mowers out of - so hits here again toe nail to hair roots - like injecting dope in temple rush.

"All Along The Watchtower"

"There must be some kind of way out of here, "
Said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.
Business men – they drink my wine
Plowmen dig my earth
None will level on the line
Nobody of it is worth."

"No reason to get excited, "
The thief – he kindly spoke,
"There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But you and I we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now
The hour's getting late."

All along the watchtower
Princess kept the view
While all the women came
And went bare-foot servants too
Outside in the cold distance
A wild cat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl, hey.
bending frame on purpose?

Takes more steps to expand photo's posted here last couple months if ya care to bother. Thought I'd find something more to fix but Peel is square enough for me. Leveled frame on the rear iso plane then trapped a straight tube in stem to find as stem 90' square vertical to rear iso plane. When aligned like a sun dial all the tubes and shadows are spot on best this crude method can tell. I already knew the 4 iso holes are all square and true so only the stem angle remained to check. Rear loop is leveled too, if ya take the average of its twists left from destructive testing and counter destructive slam down correction a long time ago. Welding on oil carrying tubes would likely burn off the protective pickling inside to start rust down the line and I'm tired of careful handling of pickle juice but plenty left over to pickle exterior then some Strongarm oil then primer and so on... Not sure if I'll fill in the breast buds or make em eye balls or gem stone settings.
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