Begonia Rally and one proud Dad.

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Jun 16, 2005
Me and Rory (12 yrs old) got back from the Begonia yesterday evening, we'd had a couple of days touring the Somme and Vimy battlefields before the Rally. and arrived at the campsite mid day friday. Soon met up with Snakehips and his club from N London. After the ride out to Tyne Cot on Sunday both Snakehips and his mate John chalenged Rory to start their 750 commando's with the promise of 'a drink' IF he succeded. He's not a particularly big 12 year old but still managed to start the first 750 on the second kick and the second 750 on the first kick. Thats My Boy!
An excellent Rally ant thanks to Marc and the Flanders branch.

Sounds like a nice trip. I've always wanted to check out the Vimy memorial to the Canadian soldiers. I can't imagine how impressive it must be in real life.
Sounds like a fun time, and Rory sounds like a future Nortoneer for sure!

But what kind of drink did they give him? :shock: :lol:

Hi Coco, Debby and Norbsa,
Vimy is a 'must see' site (and not just for Canadians) the memorial is currently under restoration but the trench systems and tunnels are open. Rory is definately a future Nortoneer and he did have a couple of beers (better a couple supervised now than a shed full with his mates later).
One sobering thought though - we were probably sharing the campsite field with boys not much older than Rory who had lain there for the last 89 years! There are 13000 headstones and 35000 names on the wall at Tyne Cot and the 60000 names on the Menin gate alone.
For some reason I can't remember the name of the fellow who designed the memorial, but he was a self taught architect and sculptor. he does amazing work and is unfortunately one of Canada's forgotten artists. Case in point right there. I just saw a documentary about him the other day and his name still escapes me. Sorry to Hijack the thread.
Yup, Walter Allward. Thanks for the refresh. And now back to our scheduled Norton programming. :wink:
hi ever1 rory here how u all doing .
the weekend was realy fun ecept the momurals.( they were (ok)
did u here i kick started 2 750 comando's
had a couple of beers and john & colin still owe my 1. :lol: :lol: :lol: lol
can't w8 2 get my own norton.
bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D :D 8) 8) :wink: :wink: :P :P p.s. luv the smilies lol

Hi Rory and Dad,
Just think of the street cred you have earned kick starting not one but two Nortons. Nice to meet you both and look forward to meeting you both at the next rally. Don't forget to remind me and John about the beers we owe you.
Hi Snakehips,
I'll start looking round for a Jubilee for him before he graduates onto a Commando. He can work on his spelling and grammar in the meantime!

PS photo CD in the post
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