bad day yesterday

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Al-otment said:
baz said:
.........Anyone would think I rode like this all the time! Its the first time in 38 years of riding this has happened !...........

I've got no idea how you ride Baz, but "first time in 38 years" is irrelevant. How many times do you think the habitual tailgating riders and drivers have crashed into the back of the vehicle in front? They'll do it once and then hopefully never tailgate again - except the idiots. The real bad news is the one time they do collide with the vehicle in front could result in serious injury to an innocent party. Book yourself on the Bikesafe course - you may be able to avoid that "next accident" - regardless of who is at fault.

chilly said:
Such wise words stating the bloody obvious from these folks Baz :roll: , just hope that in a moment of dreaming etc it never happens to them , it did to me and i'm usually very good at staying my distance ,( most of the time :shock: ) .

Glad you got away fairly lightly as i did , hope you both mend quickly :) .

Useful safety tip - try avoiding that "moment of dreaming" by not falIing asleep whilst on the road, even if it's only for a moment.

I've noticed a trend in your posts you seem to be a know all sort of bloke! Your not in the Police are you?
JAYMAC said:
Al-otment said:
baz said:
.........Anyone would think I rode like this all the time! Its the first time in 38 years of riding this has happened !...........

I've got no idea how you ride Baz, but "first time in 38 years" is irrelevant. How many times do you think the habitual tailgating riders and drivers have crashed into the back of the vehicle in front? They'll do it once and then hopefully never tailgate again - except the idiots. The real bad news is the one time they do collide with the vehicle in front could result in serious injury to an innocent party. Book yourself on the Bikesafe course - you may be able to avoid that "next accident" - regardless of who is at fault.

chilly said:
Such wise words stating the bloody obvious from these folks Baz :roll: , just hope that in a moment of dreaming etc it never happens to them , it did to me and i'm usually very good at staying my distance ,( most of the time :shock: ) .

Glad you got away fairly lightly as i did , hope you both mend quickly :) .

Useful safety tip - try avoiding that "moment of dreaming" by not falIing asleep whilst on the road, even if it's only for a moment.

I've noticed a trend in your posts you seem to be a know all sort of bloke! Your not in the Police are you?

You seem to be a half-wit sought of bloke.
Perhaps with a properly aligned frame poor Baz might have been able to avoid all this bullshit.
That's right auldblue, one plod on beat 'making a bad judgement' is proof positive of the totally inadequate training that the entire traffic division of the U.K police force receive before being let loose on the roads, creating mayhem and carnage.

Mikegg, best way for Baz to avoid this bullshit as you call it, I call it advice, would have been not to crash in the first place. I can guarantee carrying out frame alignment on your motorcycle is no way of avoiding bullshit - just look at the replies I received on this forum when I recommended doing just that. However, the experts ridiculing frame alignment have at least one thing in common with the experts ridiculing training - no experience of either.

"If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through". General Melchett, Black Adder Goes Forth.
Al-otment said:
"If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through". General Melchett, Black Adder Goes Forth.

Ah!, the key to the success of the whole British Empire......

Never mind, it will all be over shortly.....September 8th could be the time to retire the Union Jack....I see some of us have already painted the cross of St George on our helmets in preparation...

I don't know about Baz or other UK riders, but I have read the Police Manual, and my experience of UK Police riders is that they are professional and in the main enthsiasts truly concerned with rider safety.....

I did some of the IAM training based on the manual. It was of course useful....but all this episode did was reinforce a few life saving basics I was already aware of, its not rocket science....or unique....these things are also taught to combat pilots, observation and situational awareness...and avoiding 'target fixation'.... simply, make sure you know what is going on all around you, to teh degree that you could recite what happened....including traffic, road conditions and anything else that may be a threat to safety, and ride accordingly....some of it is presented in a different way by Kieth Code in his race riding manuals etc.

The Police Manual throws in good practice like road positioning, which is great, and something I have been doing anyway since my teenage came to me extend my 'situational awareness'.....maybe some of us do need to be taught.....but it seems it is only UK riders who do it at all if my experience of riding in Europe and the US is anything to go by....

For all that the manual and the 'System' is not without quirks, for example, block down changing and not using engine braking, which really doesn't make much sense on a Commando, but probably worked financially for police forces with 1970s BMWs!

I rode in the manner required to pass the IAM test...for a instructor was happy.....but my wife (pillion) asked me to stop riding like that because it bored her to tears!...I still have, as I always did, a keen interest in 'observation, situational awareness and road positioning' which are the basics of both self preservation and smooth and stress free riding'....but I had that before I spent time with the IAM...and like everyone I have 'lapses of concentration', which I try to use positively....

Baz will appreciate that 'filtering' is a high risk activity, which we all do (in the UK!), but where it is very easy to have problems with someone in the queue doing something 'unexpected'....the only defence is to expect it! and read body language, it is amazing what you can predict from someone elses road positioning and techniques....and use of phones and involvment in other activities like arguing with a partner...

And of course there are national habits to take into account as well.....don't stay in an outside lane on German autobahns, that Porsche really is doing 250kph, expect the French to give you room to pass and do thank them by waving you right foot, but do expect Italians to block your overtake whether you are filtering or doing 130kph! Don't waste any gesture on them. But perhaps more relevant, I understand that in certain US states filtering can get you shot!

Baz was open and honest about his mistake, he probably just needed to get it off his chest....

Stop being self righteous and stop beating on him and we may have some sympathy when your own concentration lapses, but then, you probably won't tell us!
I agree with you on several points, having had a Datsun Cherry written off by a yam 750 hitting the back( the rider Philip Howie was very lucky he did a 360 summersault over car denting the roof with his helmet and landing on his feet ,and then doing a six million dollar man impro running down the white line.A story that has passed into urban legend)my old dad looked at and said "is that you wrecked another one".
Hello I got hit from the back.

I then got hit on my tractor ,by an R-tick truck, broke the cattle trailer of the tractor luckily it stopped on the central reservation. Now that was scarey as it was at night and the truck was unloaded doing over sixty.

Turning right on a two laner saw the car behind coming too fast so I accelerated away , too late bang!
The passenger was an eight month pregnant woman. What can you say, apart from ,
will we need towels and hot water.

I've got a few more but you get the jist.

Life on the roads is tough, tougher if you're Stupid as the Duke once said.

And by the way Black Adder is a TV show just actors it isn't real, you did know that Al......didn't you?
To me its really strange what material get though the censership of the moderators.. I dont get where the "line in the sand" is, for this meaningless bitch slapping session... Seems that its just a

bad day yesterday

for frustrated old men.. (Spose this will be deleted too)
I had a terrible day yesterday. My 4 y/old duaghter is learning to ride her Pink Disney Fairy bike. In a moment of inattention she rode into the clothes line prop.

Luckily from what I've learnt on this forum I was able to back up a stern telling off with a booking on the local bikesafe course, where the police will point out where she's going wrong. After all It's just not safe to assume that she will learn from her own bruises is it?

This is a very serious subject , when I hit that coo , it just wouldn't get off the bike at all!
bad day yesterday
Clanger said:
I had a terrible day yesterday. My 4 y/old duaghter is learning to ride her Pink Disney Fairy bike. In a moment of inattention she rode into the clothes line prop.

Luckily from what I've learnt on this forum I was able to back up a stern telling off with a booking on the local bikesafe course, where the police will point out where she's going wrong. After all It's just not safe to assume that she will learn from her own bruises is it?

NO.......letting a kid of four on a fairy bike without sitting the written test and not even booked the bike safe course first. OMG FFS OVNO. Where will it end I bet you've promised her a Space Hopper next!
It can only end in tears!
bad day yesterday
auldblue said:

This is a very serious subject , when I hit that coo , it just wouldn't get off the bike at all!
bad day yesterday

That's a very Photoshopped cow.

P.S. After a return to riding after a 10 year break for Kids etc etc, I found that the Bikesafe type course, I took, run by Gloucester Police to be really good, lots of good advice, practical riding and very dry Black Humour. "You know what we call one piece riding leathers, Body bags".
Damit how look at the cycler and pillions lane splitting decisions about to be made, again and again! One reason mc discussions are so heated is everyone must ignore the real facts of road life to ever get on one in the back yard to freeways.
SteveA said:
...I see some of us have already painted the cross of St George on our helmets in preparation...
.........Baz was open and honest about his mistake, he probably just needed to get it off his chest....

Stop being self righteous and stop beating on him and we may have some sympathy when your own concentration lapses, but then, you probably won't tell us!

My helmet is an Arai, which I wear because they fit my head. I've got one with the St George's cross design because there was 25% off when I bought it. So I don't get mistaken for a member of the EDL, BNP, UKIP or any other right-wing lunatic party I've stuck on a 'peace' logo, some 'smilies' and a Dr Feelgood logo.

I'm not being self-righteous as I'm not arguing that my own personal ideas or standards are morally better. Steve, it's getting tedious correcting your misinterpretations. I am advocating a recognised road safety training course carried out by volunteer, motorcycle enthusiasts, who are also highly trained and experienced serving police motorcyclists. As I have frequently stated every body makes mistakes - I will take anything on offer that may reduce the chances of me being involved in a road accident (apart from wearing hi-viz) - whether from my error or somebody elses. I like riding my bike.

Following the bikesafe course I took a 'taster' session with the local I.A.M group but didn't like the riding by the book approach and the emphasis was to pass the test - I don't do certificates. The bikesafe course was real world riding. The police know how some motorcyclists ride when they're not around and so the riding assessment was based on how you ride normally and advice was given on that 2 hour ride. They do emphasise that Bikesafe is there to encourage riders to get involved in further training as required.

baz said:
.......the cause of the accident was someone stopping to take a photo but the reason for the accident was down to me no question cheers baz

It's clear from the above statement Baz still thinks it wasn't entirely his fault. Subtract, " take a photo...." from the above statement and his comment becomes ridiculous. Baz's version of the event is a chain of errors. Firstly he states he's overtaking, with no way to get back into his lane away from oncoming traffic until a gap opens up. He says he moves into this gap, apparently leaving insufficient room to brake because he then looks in his mirror to check the driver behind has seen him?? What did he do Baz - smile and wave or did he point out that the van in front had commenced braking because Baz then states when he looked back (where are your mirrors Baz?) the van had slammed his anchors on. Baz then locked his wheel(s) up and lost control of his motorcycle.

I don't know Baz, so it's nothing personal. I'm just commenting on what he's coming out with and the non-sense that others have come out with in supporting his attitude. Like I say, I'm surprised by peoples reluctance, fear?, whatever, to getting some advice from professional motorcyclists.

It's a good job the majority of forum members do next to no mileage otherwise there'd have to be a 'crashes and collisions' section.
Simon please go back and re read my post,when did i say there was any oncoming traffic? there was none! i have stated over and over it was my fault i could have waited until the gap was bigger adjusted my braking distance better i could have overtaken a whole line of slow moving vehicles etc but i didnt i made a mistake!!!! i have aggreed the reason for the van stopping is irrelevant ! my mirrors are on my handlebars! yes i panicked and locked my wheels up ,people on here must be sick of this post !!! why go on and on about it!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,baz
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