68 Norton -Boyer ignition - static timing

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Aug 14, 2013
Hi guys -

Hey, am I correct in thinking that to statically time a 68 I would use the "Atlas" hole as my distributor is on the back of the engine (as the Atlas) and rotates in the same direction. I'm 99% sure that's the right way but looking for collective wisdom. :)
yep use the sight hole that's appropriate for ccw turning direction. Set close as can to just below 32' full adv to start then fiddle adv in till hints or of actual backfire to start then retard till just don't then put a light on to see where to mark it for future but don't believe numbers seen on factroy dial till degree wheel to verifiy its believable. btw how ever sweet ya get a boyah timed you are running on barrowed time on breaking the boyah trigger wires inside insulation till they are updaded in terminations and stabilized under cover.
Dmftoy1 said:
Hey, am I correct in thinking that to statically time a 68 I would use the "Atlas" hole as my distributor is on the back of the engine (as the Atlas) and rotates in the same direction. I'm 99% sure that's the right way but looking for collective wisdom.

Yes, so it is the clockwise timing hole that must be used (not CCW) .
Hmm, which way is one viewing the cam turning to label CW or CCW? When I face Norton ignition trigger on R side it turns CCW. But do remember boyah instructions confused me and failed me often enough not to capitalize its name no more and gave mine to Mike Tagilari in NYC 15 yr ago and its still firing fine he says so still decent choice long term after trigger wires upgraded.
hobot said:
Hmm, which way is one viewing the cam turning to label CW or CCW?

On a '68 (or '69 20M3) the points assembly is viewed from the left (drive) side, therefore the rotation is clockwise.
Oh Ok then like the P11's and prior daddies of Commandos in harder to reach location except for carbs dripping reach. Electronic triggering is a safety feature in these throw back cases.
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