1 kick to start after rebuild

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Jul 11, 2010
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1 kick to start after rebuild

1 kick to start after complete rebuild, very sweet sound to hear...

Yes a new Joe hunt maggie, had a Joe Hunt on my Truimph for 9 years and didn't have any problems with it at all, they will start first kick every time, I am very happy with the Joe Hunt on my Norton they are easy to set up and even esaer to tune, the Norton isn't regoed yet but will be on the road next month, just got to save up the money, have just done the final tune up starts first kick every time and idles great, $765 us for the maggie got it through Lowbrows Customs cheaper than Joe Hunt themselfs...

Very pleasing to all concerned. Its exactly how I hope mine work out, instant breaking in rev ups and hardly a hint of smoke! Too bad the mag is such a wart to knock off in my sad sack case. It sure proved its worth in your case.
hobot said:
Too bad the mag is such a wart to knock off in my sad sack case. It sure proved its worth in your case.
Stick it behind the barrel instead. Doubt that even you will be able to knock it off from there :lol:
600 watt alternator takes up room behind the barrels on Ms Peel, well after jack shafting from belt drive, I hope. I can't keep upright and do go between gates and trees and rocks now and then, so would destroy it at some point.
Still tingling on the 1st kick fine running example.
The idea is not to fall of bikes, if you do crash try to fal the other way HeHe, when I had a Joe Hunt on my truimph it was on there for 9 years and never had any problems with it and it don't matter if you did have a serious fall you are going to damage somethings anyway, Joe Hunts are tuff buggers, but stay unright and won't have no problems...

I'd definitley give a vote for magnetos. The 650SS hack I had as a ride to work at N-V had magneto ignition and never gave a moment's trouble. Bear in mind that in 1967, the modern electronic whiz-boxes weren't even a gleam in anyone's eye.

When uninformed people bitch about the costs of the NASA space program, they don't realise how much of the technology in what we take for granted today was originally spawned by the clever b**gers that worked for NASA and it contractors. For a brief time I was one, but my skills were used to convert 1950's technology to hep train Skylab astronauts! Can you believe an astronaut training simulator in 1970 still used vacuum tube amplifiers? (electronic valves to you Brits).
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