Ah Yes Yes Yes Horton! That's The One!
My first motorcycle was a P11 Ranger built for drag strip only with 3 rim locks on 4" flat slick. It was best in its USA gas class '68-69 when dropped at end of a run and pilot quit after proving a bet that new Norton weren't quaint tour bikes. I did stuff like this in public any time or place I cared, but rarely lifted front higher than first Murry perfect launch photo. Floating level with one touch down only on each kill button WOT shift till 4th slowly lowered 2" below factory stance.
Ok Actually I have done A Murry smoking tail standing wheelie. Its what sold me to give up all the money I had to live on for months in school, + almost being dis-owned by family - was thumping around on antique looking little 50 cc size Norton in nerd clothes impressed by the push on half a motor, got headed down steep hill in only straight housing area road, it fired on both to stand straight up, flip seat up to slap my face as it sweep feet off bare pegs, just like Roolie but only my hands on WOT grip and seat base in face contacted bike. I died and arose again ok.
That "P!!" was fastest thing on the Road in several states around. 10.49 quarter in its best prime. I had street tire so had to baby throttle till hwy speed and almost that fast to pop clutch with rev's to pull a 'real' wheelie, other wise sat in place smoking or leaped forward so harsh it'd whiplash my neck. One does not lean and steer a real bee line dragster, but boy howdy does in train which end of the bike really rules the roost! I tease thee not, it was not till '99 move to Ozarks discovering a P11 like profile in mower shop that I learned how to sit on a street bike and lean and counter steer. I had some bux in Houston, but no bike I tried was half as potent disappointment for risking in city traffic. In '74 I was using frwy entry ramps and bridge humps or road crowns to launch in air by pure ballistics and didn't need much a head start on em either. I think my brain remains injured, no I know it is forever imprinted with constant depression I lost my P!!, so cut off from being crazy biker extremist.
I've 5 phases of handling thrust on me, phase 5 is the quickest way around and it was taught me by P!!, as requires spun tire before entry for upright burn out straight steering all the way around and back to real hook up, but all the time nothing but thrust into seat, no side loads nil lean insane fun or fear if ruining out of power band before road straightens. Ice Spike Racers use phase 5 so do MX bike if they have a rut to hold the rear in for them.
I am in awe of those who had more guts than me to make a life around bad ass motorcycles.
I will have it again in spades before I die and I surely will.
I was doing this at age 20-24 but sounding way better and louder for sure.
It ain't all that hard, actually forced on ya - If You Have The Power!
I am flat besides myself crawling sensation under skin, demonic mental images and emotional surges better than most psychedelic trips, to get a first ride on Isolastic Combat and not feel finger nails numbing to skull plates then Phantom Oiler pointed at Patton rear link, another sold me a Drouin and I made it fit a 5" wide rear plus will pull nose down 3" - ohmyohmyohmy. Peel couldn't touch P!! POW w/o whole lot of help. 750 Peel only had power enough to do phase 5 on THE Gravel. Scotty! We ...