Wiring and Cable Attachment to Frame / Handlebars

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I’ve got the metal (Triumph) clips on the Commando, but they are pattern parts and not as robust as the ones on the T160 and are easily moved along the bars by mistake, I don’t think I can safely make them any tighter.
You can also get stainless versions of those triumph clips, not sure where from though, ages since I got any?
Beware cheap versions of the John Bull rubber straps, they perish really quickly even when not exposed to sunlight. The 'genuine ones are marked John Bull and seem to be holding up OK on my ' 68 Triumph, the only bike I can be bothered with using period correct stuff.
I also like using reusable zip ties where not in view, they have a small tab that releases the "ratchet". Useful when you need to change a cable etc.
I have some spare grey cable sleeping. Could put the cable tie through a short piece of it, just where it rests on the cables. I got some of the John Bull ties today. I like how they loop and fix round the cable first, then a loop round the frame. Sorted.
You could try the Ducati 82mm rubber straps, they have a slot & button reusable fastening and are about 10mm wide. google ducati part # 74110131A to see an image of them. I think you will find they are perfect for your handlebar wiring.
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You could try the Ducati 82mm rubber straps, they have a slot & button reusable fastening and are about 10mm wide. google ducati part # 74110131A to see an image of them. I think you will find they are perfect for your handlebar wiring.
Rode to the Ducati dealer 20 miles from me. They had these in stock, so they're going on the bars. The John Bulls will be on the frame. :)
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