Willow Springs not having motorcycle racing??

Sep 21, 2009
Say it's not so! I heard Willow is not hosting bike racing any more due to it costing more then it made. Has any one heard about this?
It is a sad day in Southern California amateur motorcycle racing, as the Willow Springs Motorcycle Club (WSMC) is closing its doors ahead of its second round of the 2012 season. Catering to amateur motorcycle racers from LA County and its surrounding areas for the past 21 years, Willow Springs owner Bill Huth has had no choice but to close the racing league because of its lack of profitability.

http://www.asphaltandrubber.com/racing/ ... ng-league/

They still have a lot of m'c school days and m'c track days.
Many who might race, find it less intimidating and less expensive to do a track day. The track day providers do all the background work too, all Huth has to do is collect the fee from one guy instead of many racers, and enforce his rules on the provider. He doesn't have to run a club, he doesn't have to promote. WS/Huth created WSMC after, for whatever reasons, the AFM left.
I understand why He had to do it but it's still sad to me. I had just started going out there about 4 years ago & realy enjoyed it. I wonder if Yoshi from the Garage Co. Will still sponsor the show he did once a year?
Yes, the racing LEAGUE is closing, the track is not closing. I believe AHRMA will be back next year, as will other self-promoted groups who simply rent the track from him.