What to do

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Apr 29, 2009
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I have two Commando basket cases. The 72 has a complete power train that looks to be in decent shape. Its a Aug 72 build date, post Combat engine. In a misguided attempt to make a custom the PO botched up the frame. He mangled the upper shock mounts and they would need to be replaced and while he was at it cut a gash in the rear loop with a grinder. On the headstock he ground off the lower part of the lug that keeps the triple tree from turning to far. The frame also has some kind of odd ball side stand welded to the side stand lug. But it might be able to be removed keeping the lug intact. The other bike is a 74 and is a rolling chassis with a good frame that is only missing its powertrain. The question is how important are matching numbers on these things. Should I try to have the 72 frame repaired just to keep the engine and frame numbers matching or should I take the easy route and put the 72 engine in the 74 rolling chassis. I have clear titles to both frames and here in Texas the DOT goes by frame numbers. Opinions anyone?
Here is what "I" would do:

Build a complete bike with the best parts from both of them and keep the hacked frame just in case: 1- you want to sell it in the future or 2- you have the time and the money to make it into a numbers matching bike.

Happy building

Thanks, Jean I wasn't planning on restoring to show bike standards, just want a decent looking rider.
If you just want a decent rider it makes absolutely no difference on matching numbers. If you need to sell it, then it will.
I think I would committe the terrible crime of motor vehical fraud and swap the frame tags,it won't make it go any better,but may help resale and registering of the bike. On the other side, it would be an ideal time to do some worth while modifications and fix the rear shock mounts and reinforce the rear seat loop, the steering stop is an easy repair.
As early as 1972 practically no numbers matched on my bike. If you actually rode and raced them stuff got changed. Like Jean I'd take my best stuff and make a bike. the Norton i'm currently riding has nothing matching at all and it still goes pretty good. I may not be welcome at the Legend of the motorcycle at Half moon Bay should they get the money to run it this year.
Do you want to ride it or show it? If you want to show it have the numbers match and don't powder coat the frame. Don't throw anything out as in ten years people will be restoring Nortons from a head tag.
Is it correct that you're talking about a '72 750 and a '74 850? A MkIIa? It would be more than the numbers that don't match. Does the '74 have the plastic airbox? There are differences between the 750 frame and the 850 frames. Rake and yokes, centerstand? So you probably shouldn't try swapping tags, even if all you do is exchange frames.
To be honest, by the time you're done with the complete restoration the money you spend on repairing the '72 frame isn't going to amount to much. You'll have a numbers matching, parts matching bike. And then you can dig into the '74! :D
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