71Norton750 said:
hhhmmm, its weird, some people tell me its good and some tell me its bad. I dont know what to do..... :?
If you have someone you really trust who has been doing this for a long time follow their suggestions. But ask them if they have used what they are recommending for a decent amount of time first.

Lots of people put stuff in their bikes and say "gee, it feels better" and recommend it to everyone else. Most of the blokes who have been running these bikes for decades don't seem to feel the need for expensive synthetics and they are getting pretty good results.
It took me a while to understand them though. I was a relative newbie to old bikes and found it hard to go from the position of always putting the latest and greatest oils etc. into my bikes to following what the old blokes told me and running inexpensive (not cheap) mineral oils. I felt like I was doing a disservice to my bike by not using the best. So when I came to my first gearbox oil change I thought I was doing the best by using Redline.
With my cars I always take oil samples and send them off for testing to ensure that I am using a decent product and that I have my intervals correct.
I was actually going to send a sample of my Redline gearbox oil off for testing at 1000miles just to prove I had made the right decision but when I saw the state of it didn't bother. Doing a sample with the next lot of oil would have been compromised by then so I didn't do one on the next
change either. I no longer have that bike so never did get to do a sampling.
I don't know for certain that it was because the oil was a GL5 that this damage occurred because I am not a scientist. I only know for a fact that it occurred only while using the Redline heavy duty shockproof oil. It never happened when I was using the Castrol or Valvoline gearbox oils that were in it previously or after. I am also not the first in my town to suffer mechanical damage while using Redline's products as recommended. One of the local VW race engine builders lost a couple of engines due to the products and last I heard was seeking legal recompense from the company.
Needless to say, I am now quite biased against the company. :x